Application Setting Name(s): FrontOfficeEmailCcAddressList & FrontOfficeEmailBcAddressList
Can be configured per FBO?: Yes
Determines which email addresses should be included as a carbon copy (CC) or blind carbon copy (bcc) of all outgoing email messages from FBO One, such as handling confirmations, supply orders, and movement messages.
By copying in your front office department in all email communications, they can verify that each message was sent properly.
Possible Value(s):
Email address(es) separated by comma. e.g myBCEmail1@my.domain, myBCEmail2@my.domain, ...
Note: This list is only used when the system is live (as opposed to usertest) and the setting 'AllowLiveUpdates' is set to TRUE. On user test systems, all messages are redirected to the TestEmailList instead.
This is to prevent that your clients or suppliers will receive any messages generated during testing, and also allows you to validate any message templates before applying them on the live system.
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