If you do not have the required permissions to carry out any of the steps described below, please contact your FBO One systems administrator for access or assistance.
WARNING: It is recommended and good practice to test the impact of merging contacts on your usertest system first. After the merge, you can review a log of the changes from the Security Audit report (Reports > Interactive Reports > "Security Audit").
Refer to the article on Contact Merge Logic to understand whether specific data records are merged, appended, or overwritten during the process. A decision may be required to edit or remove data prior to merge to avoid a conflict.
Merging Duplicate Contacts
Find the first contact, the one you don’t want to keep (usually the last one entered).
Select the Merge option.
Select the Target Organization. This is the contact that you do want to keep.
Information will be merged into this contact. Once selected, click 'OK'.
WARNING: Once 'OK' is clicked to merge, the action is not reversible. Merged records cannot be unmerged.
The screen will now show the Target Organization with the information merged.
An automatically created bulletin board message includes information about how the fields combined.
This should be reviewed in case fields were different in the target and adjustments need to be made.
During the merge, all orders and invoices transfer to the target contact.
If your organization processes credit cards online and maintains cards on file for contacts, any cards on file will also transfer to the target contact.
For detailed information of the logic applied during the contact merge, check out the Contact Merge Logic in the FBO One Manual.
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