FBO One is certified for compliance with the GDPR, SSAE 18, ISAE 3402 & ISAE 3000 SOC 2 standards.
- For more information see our Privacy Policy and Data Controls
FBO One Development
FBO One is web-based and hosted in the cloud by Amsterdam Software; a Silver Certified Microsoft Partner for Custom Development Solutions.
FBO One is developed in-house at Amsterdam Software in Amsterdam, and is built on top of the most recent Microsoft .NET framework.
FBO One Cloud Service Providers
Amsterdam Software delivers FBO One from two information security-compliant Cloud Providers; Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure.
Automatic fail-over ensures zero downtime in case of a data center failure.
In case of a full outage of one of the cloud providers, the shadow environment at the other cloud provider can take over without data loss.
FBO One Systems
Each company that uses FBO One has access to:
A live system for day-to-day use
A shadow system that acts as a backup to the live system for contingencies
A test system to test new functionality, configuration changes and for end user training
FBO One Live system
The servers that make up the live system are redundant -- for each server, there is a hot standby that will take over if the other fails. End users will not notice such failover events as they are handled within seconds.
The live system is accessed on the address "" , with xxx replaced with the client identifier.
FBO One Shadow (Mirror) read-only system
The shadow system is located in a remote data center to prevent service disruption in case the live data center is affected by a natural disaster. The data in the shadow system is at most 15 minutes behind the live system. Users can log in to the shadow system at any time, but it is read-only. In case the live data center is offline for an extended time span, Amsterdam Software can activate the shadow system for updates.
The shadow system is accessed on the address "", with xxx replaced with the client identifier.
FBO One Test (sandbox) system
The test system can be used by end-users to test new versions of FBO One. It can also be used for testing configuration changes, investigating issues and/or training new users.
The test system is automatically configured not to send any emails (like movement messages or supply orders), so testing does not affect the outside world.
At any time, Amsterdam Software can move a copy of the live database to the test environment to make sure such tests are as close to reality as possible.
Any configuration changes in the test system will be lost after the database is copied again from live, so please inform the support team in case you need to keep your partially completed test cases for more than a day.
Users can copy the live database using the 'Get live database' option in the Administration | Demo and Training section.
The test system is accessed on the address "" , with xxx replaced with the client identifier.
Should you have any further enquires with regard to systems and compliance, please reach out to the support team.
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