Credit card payments can be processed online in FBO One via a gateway connected to the card processor. It is possible to void an online card payment the same day the payment is taken. After a payment has batched overnight, the option used to reverse the charge is to credit the order in the back office, which is typically a function of the accounting group.
Credit Payment
If the option to void an online payment is not available, it is because the charge already settled overnight with funding on the way to the merchant account, or because the order has already moved to back office and been invoiced.
Below are the steps to completely refund an online credit card payment without collecting a new payment from the same customer for a corrected order.
Create an automatic credit order to reverse the original order and credit the payment
Important: After an order has been paid by online credit card and moved to back office, if a payment error is found, the correct process is to continue invoicing the original order with the error. This will keep the original order and online card payment in sync with the overnight batch/settlement records from the credit card processor and make reconciliation easier for accounting.
After the original order has gone completely through the back office process, return to the original order to process the credit.
1. On the original order, select Credit Order.
2. On the Credit Order screen, the checkbox for 'Create an extra copy of the order to charge the corrections' will be checked. UNCHECK the box. In this case, the original order will be reversed and the credit card charge refunded without rebilling.
3. A related credit order is automatically created to reverse the original order. This credit order cannot be revised.
4. After the credit order is created, scroll up to the original order and click on the credit card payment.
5. Select CreditPayment.
6. The text on screen indicates that the credit card refund will be added to the credit order that was just created so the accounting records will be correct.
Enter a reason for the credit. The reason will be on record in case there are any questions about the adjustment in the future.
Confirmation will be given that credit card refund processed successfully.
Note: In some cases, there may no longer be a credit card stored for the refund. In that case, the system will present a screen requiring entry of the original credit card information.
7. The credit order now has the credit card refund linked to it and can be moved through back office. The original order remains unchanged.
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