Add fuel ticket details into a defined workflow state and an order at the same time, saving time.
Note: This setup requires Admin authorization access to Order workflows.
The following instructions apply to Order workflows using the CreateFuelOrder or CreateFuelOrderSimple workflow transitions.
Navigate to Order workflows and choose the required fuel order workflow
Click ‘Edit’ on the Initial state in the 'Workflow start transition' table
In the ‘Configuration string’ field add the following:
Mandatory: ProductToAdd=The fuel product
Optional: ProductToAddStartTransition=The ‘Name’ of the workflow initial state (in quotes ““) from the Stock Mutation Workflow.
See Stock Mutation Workflow page for Fuel Ticket workflow Name.
Fuel tickets will now show for adding at the same time in the CreateFuelOrder/CreateFuelOrderSimple workflows. To hide the fuel ticket use 'IncludeFuelTicket=FALSE' (default is TRUE) in the configuration string of the Order workflow.
The ProductToAddStartTransition configuration string is not mandatory, if used it will ensure the fuel ticket product is added into the defined state on Create Order. This setting allows the fuel product to be set to its end state with fuel ticket fields becoming mandatory. See below logic based upon the configuration string:
If there are multiple initial transitions for the product:
No config added on the order workflow, THEN fuel product is added as NOT STARTED and fuel fields are NOT MANDATORY
Config ProductToAddStartTransition added stating which initial state on the order workflow, THEN fuel product added to workflow state defined and fuel fields are MANDATORY=dependent on the initial state
Config ProductToAddStartTransition added stating which initial state on the order workflow but is NO MATCH on product workflow THEN fuel product is added as NOT STARTED and fuel fields are NOT MANDATORY
If there is a single initial transitions for the product:
No config added onthe order workflow THEN the only initial workflow state for the product is chosen, and fuel fields are MANDATORY=dependent on the initial state
Config ProductToAddStartTransition added stating which initial state on the order workflow, THEN fuel product added to workflow state defined, and fuel fields are MANDATORY=dependent on the initial state
Config ProductToAddStartTransition added stating which initial state on the order workflow but is NO MATCH on product workflow THEN the only initial workflow state for the product is chosen, and fuel fields are MANDATORY=dependent on the initial state
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