The Role authorizations data provider shows what authorizations each role has. Using a pivot table you can see what authorizations each role has. Note authorizations can be access to certain parts of the system or access to specific locations, reports, products, workflow(transition), or bulletin board message categories.
This data provider has no options.
The 'command type' column has the type of authorization. It can have the values:
- Admin: defines the authorization for specific administrations (accounting systems)
- AircraftAdmin: defines the authorization for specific aircraft administrations
- Entity command: defines authorization to a specific FBO One entity (specified in the command name)
- FBO location: defines the authorization for specific FBO locations
- MsgCategory: defines the authorization for specific bulletin board message categories
- Product: defines the authorization for specific products
- Simple command: defines the authorization for specific parts of FBO One (specified in the command name)
- Workflow: defines the authorization for specific workflows
- WorkflowTransition: defines the authorization for specific workflow transitions
The 'is enabled' column shows 'true' if access is granted (in any way, could be read-only), and false if access is denied. The 'is enabled value' shows numerically the same information as the 'command access' column does: it specifies the type of access, which could be one of the following:
- 0 / no access: this won't show, as there are only lines produced when there is some kind of access.
- 1 / view: authorization to view (read) this entity
- 2 / add: authorization to create new instances of this entity
- 4 / edit (or access): authorization to edit this entity
- 8 / delete: authorization to delete this entity
- 16 / admin: for access to this entity in the administration of FBO One
By adding the values of the 'is enabled' value in a pivot table, you will get numerical combinations for combinations of these types of access. By adding the values above you can find the value for any combination. Common combinations are:
- 0 / blank: no access
- 1: view, so read-only
- 4: edit/access: so making changes is allowed
- 5: view and edit
- 7: view, add and edit
- 15: view, add, edit, and delete
- 31: view, add, edit, delete, and admin
The most useful Pivot table will have:
- The 'command type' in the filter, so its easy to select what you're looking for
- The 'Common name' in the row labels, as there may be a lot of them
- The 'Role code' in the column labels, as their number is usually limited
- The 'is enabled' or sum of 'is enabled value' in the values. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to convert the numbers to easily readable text, apart from copying the entire pivot as values to a new sheet and using search and replace.
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