When credit card payments are processed online through FBO One and the AHT payment gateway, a special product code for each product/service is passed through the gateway to the card processor.
- PCATS is a credit card industry standard list of codes to group sold products into categories.
- Each chargeable product in FBO One must be mapped to a corresponding PCATSPlusCode as required by AHT.
- These codes correspond to approved product lists for various types of fuel cards, verifying that the service/product being sold is eligible for payment using the respective fuel card type.
- These standardized codes also appear on the monthly statements sent to cardholders.
The list of available PCATS codes is extensive, but it can be challenging to find a code that accurately corresponds to certain products. It is the merchant's responsibility to ensure they make the most specific match possible.
Product Mapping Process
When configuring the AHT payment gateway for a specific location in FBO One, the product mappings are carefully evaluated and established prior to enabling the gateway for credit card payment processing. This task is typically performed by FBO One Support, with necessary input and clarification from the merchant.
- Go to Administration | Products | Product Mappings.
- Select the appropriate FBO location.
- Select AHT Product Group.
On the screen shown above:
- Product column is the existing FBO One service/product.
- Type column is used to show the type of service/product.
- Mapped Product column is the associated PCATS code that is set to pass through the gateway.
- Warnings column is used to show mapping warnings when items need attention.
General Mapping Rules
- Any product that will be charged in a credit card transaction must be mapped.
- Products should be assigned to the most specific PCATS code that is applicable. For instance, if the product is a Fork Lift, it should be assigned to the ForkLiftFee product code rather than the more general GroundEquipment code.
- Child products (indented on screen) of a Parent/Group product can inherit the mapping from the parent.
When PCATS Mapping Is Not Required
- If a service or product has no cost, it does not need to be mapped to a PCATS code. For instance, the Send Quote to Client product does not require mapping. In such cases, please use the special code N/A.
- In rare instances, FBO One Support may use the special code DoNotMap to indicate that a product should never be mapped in order to maintain a specific product structure through the gateway. If you come across the use of the DoNotMap code, please refrain from changing it.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
DoNotMap | NonFuel | Do not map |
N/A | NonFuel | Mapping does not apply |
Product and Service Mapping
Fuel Products
- Fuel products must be associated with a specific fuel type code, such as JetAFuel, JetA1Fuel, Avgas100LL. It is not permissible to use a single "Fuel" product for multiple fuel types.
- Fuel must be sold in recognized units of measurement, such as US Gallon (usg) or Litre (ltr). For example, it is acceptable to sell 100 usg of Jet A at a rate of $5.00. However, selling 1 item of Jet A at $500 is not acceptable.
- If fuel is always sold with Prist/Additive included (mixed in the tank/truck with the fuel), it should be mapped to the "wAdd" product code. If Prist is optional, a separate product for Prist should be created and mapped to the "Fuel Additive" code.
- If fuel taxes will be itemized on the order, the taxes should be a child of the fuel product. If assistance is required in setting up fuel taxes, please contact FBO One Support for help.
Below are the most commonly used fuel codes out of the extensive list available.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
Avgas100LL | Fuel | |
JetA1Fuel | Fuel | Typical jet fuel type for international FBOs |
JetA1FuelWAdd | Fuel | Use this code ONLY if additive is in the tank with no option to uplift without additive |
JetAFuel | Fuel | Typical jet fuel type for US FBOs |
JetAFuelwAdd | Fuel |
Use this code ONLY if additive is in the tank with no option to uplift without additive |
Fuel Services
- If additional services and fees will be listed on the order and charged as part of an uplift, these should be a child of the fuel product.
- If help is needed with setting up fuel product components, please contact FBO One Support for assistance.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
AirportFeeFuel | FuelService |
For card processing, these product codes specifically relate to fuel and only work if the product is a child of a fuel product. Contact FBO One Support if assistance is needed to properly configure fuel product and children.
CompulsoryStorageFee | FuelService | |
ConcessionFeeFuel | FuelService | |
De-FuelingService | FuelService | |
DetentionFee | FuelService | |
DisposalFee | FuelService | |
HookUpFee | FuelService | |
HydrantFee | FuelService | |
IntoBladderDeliveryFee | FuelService | |
IntoPlaneFee | FuelService | |
IntoTruck | FuelService | |
IntoTruckIntoBladderFee | FuelService | |
MonthlyUseFee | FuelService | |
OvertimeFee | FuelService | |
PassengerFee | FuelService | |
Re-Service | FuelService | |
SamplingCharge | FuelService | |
StorageFee | FuelService | |
TerminalOperationsFee | FuelService | |
ThroughputFee | FuelService |
- If taxes are visibly detailed on orders/invoices, then the taxes should be mapped.
- If fuel taxes are visibly detailed on orders/invoices, then the fuel taxes should be a child of the fuel product and may require mapping.
- If help is needed with setting up taxes, please contact FBO One Support for assistance.
Note: AIR Card merchants in the US may be required to process FET as a visible child product of the fuel uplift.
Below are the most commonly used tax codes out of the extensive list available.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
AirportTax | LocalTax |
Contact FBO One Support if assistance is needed to properly configure tax products.
CanadianExciseTax | LocalTax | |
CustomsDuty | LocalTax | |
CustomsDutyExciseTax | LocalTax | |
EnergyDuty | LocalTax | |
ExciseDutyTax | LocalTax | |
FlowageFee | LocalTax | |
GoodsServicesTax | LocalTax | |
HarmonizedSalesTax | LocalTax | |
MineralOilTax | LocalTax | |
PassengerTax | LocalTax | |
ProvincialFuelTax | LocalTax | |
TaxFeeDuty | LocalTax | |
TurnoverTax | LocalTax | |
ValueAddedTax | LocalTax | |
SalesTax | SalesTax | |
StateTax | StateTax | |
FederalTax | FederalTax | |
FETAvgas | FETAvgas | |
FETJet | FETJet |
- If a child product is a discount of the parent product, the special product code Discount can be used.
- A stand alone product may not be mapped to product code Discount.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
Discount | Discount | Discount code cannot be applied to standalone product. Discount code can only be used if the discount product is a child of another product. |
Special AIR Card Requirements
- AIR Card merchants receive an AIR Card Authorized Products Service List from KHI. Products/Services not on the list are not valid for payment with AIR Card.
- In the majority of cases, selecting the most specific PCATS code available will automatically translate to the appropriate AIR Card code as the transaction is processed through the gateway.
AIR Card may dispute the PCATS code 'GroundEquipService'. Use a more specific equipment code if possible. If the equipment is related to cargo, but does not have a specific PCATS code available, use 'CargoHandlingFee'.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
GroundEquipService | NonFuel | Used for any Ground Equipment where a more specific PCATS option is not available. |
There are a few PCATS codes that are not acceptable by AIR Card. These codes can result in decline messages or chargebacks, so should never be used.
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
AircraftGroundHandling | NonFuel |
AIR Card merchants should avoid using these codes. AIR Card does not accept "Handling" as a valid product, and will also dispute / charge back transactions with code "Miscellaneous" .
IntlHandlingFee | NonFuel | |
Miscellaneous |
NonFuel |
There is often confusion around the code 'VendorAdminFee'. AIR Card has very specific rules about the use of this code. Here is what is given as a description in the AIR Card Authorized Products Service List:
Vendor Admin Fee (Agent fee, administration fee, arrangement/coordination fee). Fee charged by third-party agents who arrange ancillary services with the local airport vendor that will not accept the AIR Card®. The local airport vendor typically requires immediate payment. NOTE: Prior to signature, ensure VAF amount is present on the delivery receipt or invoice and is a reasonable amount. Additional guidance can be found on the DLA Energy website. (Limit one VAF per invoice).
PCATS Code | Category | Notes |
VendorAdminFee | NonFuel | Use for third party service disbursement/administration fees. For AIR Card transactions, the transaction will be rejected if it only contains a single Vendor Admin Fee line item. There must be additional products / line items included in the transaction. |
Following discussions with the KHI team, our current understanding of the VendorAdminFee (VAF) is:
- VAF is intended to cover the FBO's expenses related to third-party dealings. It should not be used to to pass through a third-party charge.
- A transaction will be declined if it consists solely of a standalone VAF. It is necessary to include additional products or line items in the transaction before applying the VAF.
- There should be a maximum of one VAF per invoice. When processing transactions through the gateway, multiple VAFs on an order will be consolidated into a single line item in the gateway transaction.
- If the VAF exceeds 15% of the total transaction amount, the transaction will be flagged and questioned by AIR Card.
- If an invoice includes a Vendor Admin Fee, a signature must be obtained before takeoff.
If you have additional questions regarding Vendor Admin Fee, please contact AIR Card merchant support.
Other Common PCATS Codes
There is an extensive list of PCATS codes available for mapping. Most are self-explanatory. A few are listed below with additional notes to help in selecting the correct option.
Product Mapping Maintenance
Any new products added to FBO One will need to have a PCATS code assigned for mapping. This can be done on the add/edit product page when the product is created.
After new products are added, it is helpful to visit Administration | Products | Product Mappings to review how the new products are situated in parent/children groups and to confirm the mapping is appropriate.
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