Template documents are predominantly used as report templates allowing for the formatted output of the customers raw data.
Note: Report templates are either excel based (xls) or Microsoft Report Builder - SSRS (rdl)
Examples of this may include:
- Handling Confirmation/Cancellation documents
- General Declarations / Pax Manifests Reports.
- Daily Flight Program Reports.
- Receipts / Invoice Reports.
- Key Performance Indicator Reports.
- Trend Analysis Reports.
Alternative use cases for template documents include:
- Confirmation Auto-Add documents which allows for the uploading of documents to be sent along with the handling confirmation. Examples of this may include: AIP/Notams, FBO Terms & Conditions, Site access plans etc.
- Company Logo - These templates are used to define the on screen company logo, logo's displayed on email header/footer and FBO One's default reports.
- Documents sent to suppliers or clients via the various send transitions such as 'Client Notifications'.
How can I upload an updated version of an existing template?
- Navigate to the administration Template Documents page.
- Use the template document search box to locate the template.
- Select the required template document.
- Click 'Update'
- Choose your file to be uploaded followed by 'OK'
How can I upload a new template?
- Navigate to the administration Template Documents page.
- Use the template document search box to search for the template that doesnt exist yet
This will provide you with a cleaner view by filtering out other templates. - Click 'Add new'.
- Choose your file to be uploaded, define your template name and description followed by 'OK'
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