Please refer to the Introduction to peak list article if you are unfamiliar with peak lists.
The Example Scenario: Special events
In the scenario that a surcharge is required during a one time special event, FBO One can automatically apply these price changes using peak lists. In this exercise we will look at how the system transitions from an already created generic peak list e.g Day vs Night surcharge to a special event period and back to a generic peak list.
The generic peak list applied is:
'Night' period weekdays between 19:00 to 06:00 LT
'Weekend' period on Saturday/Sunday.
The special event period to be applied is a sporting event:
Start date Friday 24-May-24
- End date Tuesday 28-May-24
Step 1 - Create the 'Special event' peak list item.
- Use the menu search box to navigate to the 'Peak lists' administration page.
- Locate and select the relevant peak list e.g Handling Surcharge.
- Select 'Add new' to create the first 'Special event' period..
- Once the peak list definition is created and selected the option to create a new 'List item' will be available.
For the purpose of peak events the- 'Starts at day of week' should always be zero (0).
- 'Starts at time of day (LT)' should always be midnight (00:00)
- 'Peak category value' should be 'special event' or the value defined in your system.
- Be sure to 'Save' your work.
Step 2 - Create a peak list to revert back to a non special event peak list.
- The simplest way to approach this is to use the 'copy' feature which will replicate the copied peak list and values which will minimise the setup effort. Be sure to copy the correct peak list.
- Once copied 'Edit' the 'Valid from date' to be the day after the public holiday period i.e 01-Jan-24.
- Be sure to 'Save' your work.
Step 3 - Review the end result.
The results of our exercise should have:
- 1 peak list for each special event period.
- 1 peak list reverting back to the generic peak list.
Step 4 - Dont forget to configure your 'Special event' price agreement(s)
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