When multiple bank accounts exist in order to process payments in different currencies, it can be useful to display on an invoice, only the bank details relevant to the form of payment defined on the order.
For example, a location accepts bank transfers in both EUR and USD, though each currency should be received in a separate bank account.
Custom values can be used to ensure that only EUR Bank transfer details appear on Euro Invoices and that only USD Bank transfer details appear on USD Invoices.
Step-by-step guide:
Begin by creating a custom value
- Go to administration > custom values
- Use the 'add new' button to create a 'code' for what will be referred to as the custom property
- In this example the code 'BankDetails' has been used as the name of the custom property. Click Save
Next, begin assigning custom values to the custom property. For this example, we will create two custom values:
In the above example, Bank of Amsterdam details have been created and the 'add new' button has been used to begin creating the second value which is Bank of Houston.
Use the save button when all values have been added.
Remain in the administration page and go to 'FBO Locations', here, we can create a new setting and define a text per location.
The custom property will be used within the text to define the bank details.
Above, the location Amsterdam has been selected, followed by 'add new' under the FBO Location settings section.
In the 'setting' drop-down box, search for HandlingOrder-SummaryInfo.
In the 'Value' field enter the text you wish to display before and/or after the bank details, then the custom value is inserted in the following format: ~Custom-BankDetails~
The word Custom indicates that a custom value is being used, and 'BankDetails' represents the custom property to be used.
NOTE: Ensure that the text that follows 'custom-' is an exact replica of the name given to the custom property. Ensure no spaces are added or removed.
Next, the relevant forms of payment need to be linked to the custom values
Still in Administration, go to 'forms of payment' and use the search box to locate the forms of payment to which are to be assigned each set of bank details.
In this case one of the custom values needs to be assigned to BILL EUR payments, and the other to BILL USD payments respectively.
Under the 'custom values' section search for the value required and click save when done.
To review the setup, we can use an order in the front office with either BILL USD or BILL EUR set as the form of payment.
Use the 'print' menu to review the 'handling order'
'Edit' the order and change the Form of payment, to check that all bank details are displaying correctly in accordance with the form of payment selected
Note: This text will display on both the Handling order and the Invoice.
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