FBO One has a direct link with VistaJet and Netjets to send electronic invoices.
For other customers, you can send an electronic invoice by email. FBO One has a standardized e-invoice format for this, which is outlined in the section below, the "JSON Invoice Format". Anyone receiving these JSON invoices by email can program an importer to speedup the accounts payable data entry.
Uploading invoices
In the back office, after an invoice is created, it can be sent by email or uploaded.
If the debtor has been configured to receive invoices by electronic upload, two check boxes appear: Email invoice, and Upload invoice.
By default, the invoice will only be uploaded. The check box to Email invoice can still be selected manually in cases where email copies are also required.
After clicking OK, a page will display indicating if the upload succeeded. If the upload failed, either resend the invoice by email or retry the upload.
Supporting docs are also supported for Invoice Uploads to both NetJets and VistaJet. These must be in PDF format:
When an upload is successful, FBO One will redirect user automatically to the Invoice | Sent screen.
The 'log'
Error logging
Trace log
Every invoice upload is logged in the trace log. The trace log can be found in: Administration > Application > Trace Log
The name of the send action in the trace log is "Send by email or upload".
The trace log contains two items for trouble shooting:
- The invoice in FBO One Json format, created at the same time the PDF was created.
- The uploaded file, this is file in the format specific to client. Each uploader has it's own format.
Error log
When there is an error while attempting to send the invoice, there will be also an error record created. The error log can be found in: Administration > Application > Errors.
Here you can also see exactly what is sent and received from the soap service.
The name of the message to review will be "UploadInvoice".
Structure details (VistaJet upoad):
Error ...Error reason
Upload invoice 3167 to VistaJet (TestMode)
InvoiceJson:{...Json FBO1 invoice}
-URL: ...Post url
-Action: post action
-UserName: AmsterdamSoft
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
...Soap body requrst
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><env:Header /><env:Body>
...Soap body result
Troubleshooting Error Messages (VistaJet Uploads)
During upload of Invoices to VistaJet, errors can occasionally occur. Any error commencing ERROR_INPUT_0.. indicates that there is an error on the VistaJet side rather than the FBO One side.
Some of the most frequently returned VistaJet errors are as follows:
ERROR_INPUT_022 message: Invalid Rendered airport. Reason: [Invalid: ItemDeliveryLocation BSL]
Meaning: The Airport IATA code for the FBO Location, does not match the IATA code setup for the same location in the VistaJet system. In this example, the FBO One IATA code for the FBO Location was BSL, whereas on the VistaJet side it was MLH.
Resolution: Email sent to VistaJet support (Eva & Teodor) and they corrected their IATA code for this station to BSL.
- ERROR_INPUT_003 message: No VistaJet Company (entity) found with given code. Reason: [No Vistajet Company (entity) found with given code. Reason: [Passed company code = Vistajet Aviation Service SA not found]]
Meaning: The Organization Name given to VistaJet within FBO One is incorrect.
Resolution: The name used should be 'VistaJet Limited'. All other branches of VistaJet no longer exist and this should be the only format for the Debtor Name (Organization Name). No vendor (supplier) found with given number Reason: [Passed vendor number = 0000101357 not found!
Meaning: The supplier number, as provided by VistaJet is either incorrect or has not yet been activated on the VistaJet side.
Resolution: First check that the Supplier Number has been entered correctly into FBO One. Ensure no extra blank spaces precede or follow the number. If this is correct, then contact Eva at VistaJet to request that the account is activated on their end.ERROR_SYSTEM_004 message:General Exception occurs. Reason: [There are mistakes in the request. Please check the rows for mismatch.]Meaning: Usually an issue on VisatJet side.
Resolution: Contact VistaJet to check their third party supporting document system and/or try again later
Enable electronic invoice transmission
Before you can use this functionality the application setting 'InvoiceUploadEnabled' must be set to 'true'.
Set up FBO seller address
Setup the contact details of your Accounts Receivable department in Administration > Backoffice > Administrations.
Select the appropriate Administration, and "edit". On the resulting screen, update the Accounts Receivable fields.
The above data may already be included from the primary FBO location record for the administration (Administration > Stations > FBO Locations), and will be used from there if no changes are made. However, since this information may appear on the invoice PDF, please review and change text here as required to show correctly on the invoice.
Note: The above step must be done for each Administration that will use automatic invoice uploads.
Map the product codes
All products for all FBO's in the administration must be mapped to a standard "AHT product code".
Follow the instructions here: Product Code Mapping for Online Credit Card Payments
Note: The above step must be done for each Location that will use automatic invoice uploads.
Uploader Activation
Before electronic invoices can be sent, the appropriate uploader must be activated.
Go to: Administration > Backoffice > Upload invoices
As can be seen below, FBO One comes pre-configured with uploaders for NetJets and VistaJet.
The Edit option for each uploader allows for activating or disabling the Uploader. The Uploader can also be used in TestMode in your test system or for shadow runs in the live system.
√ TestMode + √ IsActive: Use this combination in the test system to test the feature, or in the live system during shadow runs. All other settings are pre-configured and should not be changed.
√ IsActive: Use this single setting to activate the feature in the live system. All other settings are pre-configured and should not be changed.
Link the debtor(s) to an uploader
The next step is to link the debtor(s) to the correct invoice uploader.
This can be done in two ways:
- In the debtor contact record via Invoice Export tab
- Via Administration > Backoffice > Upload invoices
Manage in the debtor contact record
Search for the contact record in FBO One of the debtor that will receive the electronic invoices. Then go to the Invoice Export tab.
NOTE: For both NetJets and VistaJet, always ensure that the setting 'Auto attach JSON file to email invoice' is always set to 'No' (edit contact screen).
Having this set to 'Yes' prevents a successful upload:
Manage via Administration > Backoffice > Upload invoices
Go to: Administration > Backoffice > Upload invoices
NetJets Example
Invoice uploads are currently supported for NetJets Transportes Aereos and EJME.
Please ensure the Name, Address, and VAT number entries for these contact records in FBO One match the screen shots shown below. Note that the short-name NETJETS EU is required for the handling request importer to assign imported NetJets orders to the NetJets EU operator.
Rua Calvert Magalhaes 245
2774-550 Paco d'Arcos
EJME (Portugal) Aircraft Management, Lda
Rua Calvert Magalhaes 245
2774-550 Paco d'Arcos
In this example, the Netjets EU debtor is already connected, and now the EJME debtor is being added.
Administration: The Administration in FBO One that is being used for invoicing
Debtor: One of the two supported debtors
Buyer number: Not required by NetJets. Enter "NA".
Supplier number: Not required by NetJets. Enter "NA".
Below, both EJME and NetJets debtors have been connected.
Note: The above linking of debtors must be done for each Administration that will use automatic invoice uploads.
Linking info for NetJets
Buyer number: Not required by NetJets. Enter "NA". NetJets identifies the seller (your FBO) by the Name and/or VAT number previously entered in the Administration 'Account receivable' fields.
Supplier number: Not required by NetJets. Enter "NA". NetJets identifies the seller (your FBO) by the Name and/or VAT number previously entered in the Administration 'Account receivable' fields.
When you upload your first invoice to NetJets, please contact them to check if they received and processed it properly. The contact is Robert McMurray (rmcmurray@netjets.com) or Pedro Silva - psilva@netjets.com
Linking info for VistaJet
All Invoices must be addressed to the Debtor 'VistaJet Limited'
NOTE: Whereby the Debtor 'Vistajet Luftfahrtunternehmen GmbH' still exists or is in use, this should no longer be used. This branch of the company no longer exists and only VistJet Limited should be used
Buyer number: 0210
Supplier number: Can be obtained from eva.hornyak-szabo@vistajet.com. When requesting the Supplier number, also ensure that the necessary credentials are also created on the VistaJet side by the support team.
When you upload your first invoice to VistaJet, please contact them to check if they received and processed it properly. The contact is eva.hornyak-szabo@vistajet.com.
The JSON Invoice format
Below is the schema for the JSON file, along with an example.
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