Important Note: Training exercises should be carried out in your test system (unless otherwise indicated by a system administrator or FBO One Support team). Refrain from creating test data in a Live System.
About the Test system
The test system can be identified by one or more of the following:
- A different coloured header bar - usually bright pink.
- The address bar will show the customer name followed by
- There is typically a reference to UserTest and email recipients or test emails, shown in the header
The Test System is accessed via the address , with 'customername' replaced by your client identifier (the same as shown in the address bar for the Live system). The test system may also be reached by selecting the test system link in the menu of the Live System.
Logging into the Test system requires the same Username and Password as used for the Live system. If the password has recently been changed in the Live system, you may be required to use the previous password in the test system.
The test system is static copy of the Live system. The copy may be current or older, depending on when the Live system was last copied to the test system. Outgoing Emails from the test system are not sent to the actual recipients, but instead to the test email recipients shown at the top of the screen:
The goal of this exercise
- To be able to create orders
- To be able to add services to orders
Exercise overview
Note: Use existing registrations in your test system or substitute the aircraft registrations with your own.
Order 1: Handling for G-TEST
Operator: Test Aviation
Type: G550
ETA: (Date) 1400Z
Pax/Crew: 0/2
ETD: (Same Date) 1530Z
Pax/Crew: 0/2
Services Required upon Arrival:
- Toilet/Water upon Crew request
- Catering: 1 x Platter of mixed sandwiches for 2-Pax, Fresh Fruit Platter for 2-Pax, 2 x Crew Meals (Hot), 1L Fresh OJ, 1L Fresh Coffee
Please ensure all Handling & Services are billed to Test Aviation:
101 Aviation House
London SW1 3PW
Order 2: Handling for VP-XXX
From: VIP Flight Support
Operator: XXX Airlines
Type: GLEX
ETA: (Date) 1900Z
Pax/Crew: 0/4
ETD: (Next Day) 0900Z
Pax/Crew: 3/4
Services Required upon Arrival:
- Toilet/Water/GPU upon Crew request
- Laundry collection/cleaning
- Hotac: 4* Hotel Downtown, 4 Rooms, Breakfast Included
- Crew Transport to Hotel
- Crew Pickup for departure, as per captain's request
- Catering: 1 x Platter of mixed pastries for 4-Pax, Fresh Fruit Platter for 2-Pax, 2 x Crew Meals (Hot Breakfasts), 1L Fresh OJ, 1L Fresh Coffee, 1L Hot Water, 5kgs Ice
Please ensure all Handling & Services are billed to VIP Flight Support only.
Order 3: OTC for F-HIOO
Aircraft: F-HIOO (G450)
Request: Please arrange Crew transport for positioning crew from Main arrivals to the Hotel. Crew Name is Mr. John Smith, Arriving on [Date] at [Time], flight EZY1234
Please invoice Paris Fly Aviation directly
Note: In the test system, any registration, operator, debtor may be used, however for the purpose of this exercise and training, its recommended to create the Registrations and contacts as per the details outlined above. The following pages may be useful:
Step by step
Creating a New Handling Order:
Depending on the setup, there may be more or less order types available in the Create Order screen. The most commonly used is the Handling Order type.
This is whereby the Arrival is before the Departure (Non-based A/C).
The create order screen can be accessed from the following areas:
- The Menu bar to the left of the screen
- The Create Order icon shown in the coloured bar running along the top of the screen
- Following a search of open orders on the planboard
TIP for best practice: Always search for the registration within the planboard first. If one or more existing orders are open for the given Registration, these will show following the search. This ensures duplicates are avoided and allows for a cross-reference of existing orders with the new request, for the given A/C. If the Registration does not yest exist, the option to add a new registration will be shown.
Following a planboard search, select 'New Handling Order' to begin creating the order. This can be done from any of the three places shown above. In this example, the quickest route is via the planboard search. This has confirmed 1 existing order (but not for the same dates of the new request), and that the registration is known already. Clicking on 'New Handling' will auto-fill the known Aircraft details in preparation for the new Handling Order creation
The A/C Registration, type, Operator and Debtor are auto-filled according to the master data created for this A/C. If the data is in anyway incorrect or maybe different for this order only, this may be edited on a per-order basis, or else within the master data for the A/C, to make a permanent change.
- Aircraft Registration
- Operator The operator of the Aircraft
- Parking position is optional, and may be added later
- Operators Handling Number (aka Operators Request Number) - Used typically by the NetJets Importer but may be manually added if applicable for others
- Debtor The company paying for the Handling
- Debtors Order Number Any order reference that may be stipulated by the Debtor
- Form of Payment This field may fill automatically if the Form of Payment or Contract have been created. If not, a form of payment may be added or the field may also be left blank
- Billing Remarks Any free-hand remarks to be shown on the Invoice
- Trip Support Provider This is an optional field for use when a 3rd party trip support is involved with the handling. This allows for confirmations, movements etc. to be sent to this company also
In the above example, the Operator and Debtor are the same and no further details are required or known at this stage.
Next, the arrival and departure details are entered according to the schedule provided:
- Flight Type The types are pre-configured in FBO One and displayed in the drop-down menu. Depending on configuration, the flight type may or may not affect pricing and the products auto-added to the order. For example, a 'Ferry' flight may not show certain Pax related charges, or an 'Ambulance' flight may require extra medical equipment for Handling.
- STA/STD The scheduled date/time of arrival/departure. Depending on configuration, this may be UTC or LT. When the fields are left blank and the 'Pending' checkbox is checked, question marks, '?', will show on the order and planboard.
- Flight Number If FBO One is setup to track flights via the CFMU or FlightAware and a flight number is applicable, this must be entered in order for the flight to be tracked. When the flight operates under the tail-number, this field may be left blank and the flight will still be tracked. Even when flight tracking is not enabled, it is best practice to enter the flight number(s) when applicable.
- Pax/Transit/Crew Depending on configuration, the transit pax field may or not be shown. Pax/Crew should be entered as per the handling request. Leaving the fields blank will show '?' on the order and planboard
- From/To The origin/destination may be entered by city name, IATA code (3-letters), or ICAO Code (4-letters). Leaving the fields blank if unknown is also possible. Alternatively a placeholder such as ZZZZ may be added.
The Custom Values section may or may not be shown, depending upon configuration. These fields are tailored according to local requirements. In the below example, users have the option to enter details pertaining to staff assisting the flight on arrival and departure, Crew Contact number, whether its a delegation flight and if there are pets on board.
Note: these fields may impact order pricing also.
The final section is the 'Order details' section. This allows users to enter order remarks
- Internal Remarks are remarks visible internally only - order screen and handling request report, as well as any other tailor-made in-house reports that require these to show
- External Remarks are remarks shared with the customer. These will show on the handling confirmation pdf and in some cases on the handling confirmation email.
Clicking OK will create the order.
If for any reason the OK button is unavailable (greyed out), this indicates that a mandatory field has not been filled. Typically this would be highlighted in Red with an asterisk:
In some cases, an error message will display. Error messages in Red as shown below, require the necessary action to be taken before proceeding:
Warnings may also show upon OK click to create an order. Warnings are there for notification purposes and may be ignored if not relevant. Clicking the OK button again will ignore the warning. An example of a warning is shown below:
A created order will look like this:
- The header line shows the unique Order Number, in this case LUX-218028. Then comes the Registration and Flight number(s) if applicable, followed by the Order type and workflow state - in this case Handling Order - Requested
- The workflow states also shows in this section, and is where the order workflow transitions are executed. e.g. transitioning from Requested > Confirmed > Arrived > Departed etc.
- The arrival/departure sections show to the right of the order. This section allows for management of each field individually also
- Any custom values are shown in this section. In some cases, these may be modified directly from here also
- Internal/External remarks will show here
- Add service/find product section shows the most commonly used services available for quick add. All other services can be added by searching the 'add service, find product' section to the left
- By default the order will be collapsed to show only services requiring action by Ops, i.e. those services using a workflow. All other services added to the order will show by clicking the arrow to expand the order
The order will also now show on the Planboard and Gantt chart:
Adding services to the Order
Once an order is created, the essential services will be auto-added to the order. These include services that are mandatory to this order, for example Handling and Airport fees. In some cases, more or less services will be shown, depending on various factors. If for example all orders automatically show Airport Fees, but a specific customer pays these directly to the Airport, then the Airport fees may not show for this customer's order which would be correct. Another example, could be an Order for a wide-bodied A/C whereby services such as Belt-loader, Steps, high-loader may be automatically added so that they're not forgotten, and to assist the ops team.
Expanded order:
Any additional services must be added manually to the order.
Depending on the service being added, the service (product), may or may not contain a workflow. Any services with a workflow will be visible on the order while its collapsed, whilst any without, will only show after adding if the order is expanded.
Service workflows are tailored to local requirements, but in general, there will either be a 3rd Party workflow of some sort, or an in-house tracking workflow. 3rd party workflows send outgoing emails, whilst workflows for in-house tracking purposes only, would not.
In-House Service Workflows:
Potable Water:
This service has one of the most basic workflows. The initial state once added, is 'Requested', meaning the service has been requested by the Crew. Once the service has been provided, Ops/Ramp may click on 'Complete'. The 'complete' screen allows for the number of services provided to be updated, and if necessary, the default price to be overridden. Remarks (both internal and external) may also be added here to provide additional information to the client or in-house.
Once 'complete' has been actioned, in this example the workflow is now complete and requires no further action. When a workflow is complete, the service icon and state will change from Red to Green:
Services such as GPU, may need to be quantified when sold. In this example, the GPU usage is sold by hour at a rate of 90.00/hour. In order to track how much time has been used, the service contains a timer which should be set to 'In-progress' when the GPU is connected, and 'Completed' when disconnected. FBO One will then apply the appropriate price.
Clicking on 'In progress' will show the date and time fields. The connection time should be entered:
Clicking 'Complete' will again show the date/time fields for entry of the disconnection time:
The price is then calculated accordingly:
3rd Party Service Workflows:
For services provided by a 3rd party, FBO One can be setup to send a request via email to the local suppliers. These services may include Limo services, Catering, Hotel, GSE from another handler, Fuel etc.
In this example a Catering service is used. Again the workflow may be tailored to local requirements and this is just an example:
Adding the service will open up the 'Place order' screen:
- Add the delivery date/time. In this case the time at which the Catering should be delivered.
- Next, select the supplier from the drop-down menu. If only one supplier is linked to the product, then this will show automatically. The email address of the supplier will fill out automatically once the supplier is selected
- If any attachments are required, these may be added here
- 3rd party services will typically have a template. Any parts shown in blue will fill out automatically and should not be adjusted. In this example, the Parking position will be taken from the order and the delivery date/time will be taken from the details entered in section 1. All other details can be manually added as required.
- A preview of the outgoing email may be viewed before the request is sent
- Any Internal/External remarks pertaining to the catering, may be added here.
Finally, click OK to send the request to the supplier. From the test system, the request will be sent to the Test recipients shown at the top of the screen.
The outgoing request will look something like this. The FBO One logo and credentials would be replaced by the company's logo and contact details:
The Order screen will then show the Catering workflow as follows:
- The Order status. In this case the Catering has been 'Ordered'. The mention 'awaiting price' indicates that the price is unknown and requires manual entry once available
- The delivery date/time and Supplier name
- The next service workflow states that are available (these will vary).
Confirmed - Will complete the workflow
Change Order - Will open up the order details again so that modifications may be made and a new email sent to the supplier
Cancel Order - Will open up the order details and allow for sending of a Cancellation message to the supplier
Creating an OTC order
An OTC Order is an order without flight legs. It can have varying uses such as:
- To bill ad-hoc services such as Transport for a positioning crew when no A/C Handling is associated
- For Permits such as Overflight or Landing
- For provision of VIP Lounge services only
Depending on the OTC Order types available, the Order type may be called simply OTC Order or something tailored to its use.
In the below example, there are 2 OTC Order types. The regular 'OTC' is for use by the front office, and the 'Order for use by Billing Department'.
The 'Create order' screen for OTC order looks like this:
The screen contains mostly the same fields as outlined above for the Handling Order, but requires less detail. The only mandatory information in this screen is the Debtor information. All other fields are optional.
- The Debtor should be selected and the form of payment added if it doesn't appear automatically
- Service start/end dates/times are for information purposes and will allow for correct placement on the planboard. If left blank, the Order will appear at the top of the planboard without any details on dates/times
- The Internal/External remarks may be used to outline the details of the OTC Order if required
In this example, the OTC Order is used to provide a Meet & Greet service for positioning Crew at the request of a regular client. The FBO should arrange transport, meet the crew from the commercial flight and escort to the transportation. The following services are therefore added in the same way as done for a Handling Order. The OTC Order is now created in FBO One, all services organised and ready for service provision:
Extra practice/verification
- Try to find created orders using the main planboard search box
- Update the flight schedule
- Add internal/external remarks
- Add further services and make changes to the services in line with schedule changes
- Cancel services and remove unwanted services from orders
- Create new Handling Orders and OTC orders for different scenarios
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