Before the ramp screen can be used, the following configuration is needed.
Configure which services are relevant for the ramp
In edit product the ‘Show in ramp screen’ flag must be checked for all products that need to be visible for the ramp. Usually this flag is checked for products like fuel, de-icing, catering, etc.
Product data summary report
Use the product data summary report to quickly get an overview of all the products. This way you can easily see if the ‘Show in ramp screen’ flag is correctly set for all products.
With this report you can check for each product if the ‘Show in ramp screen’ flag is correctly configured.
Create user accounts for the ramp agents
Currently ramp agents might not have a user account yet. In order to provide access to FBO One, user accounts need to be created for the ramp agents. (See: how add a user)
If there is no specific Ramp role yet, you need to create this first to authorize the ramp agents only for ramp-related operations.
If the ramp screen is placed in the office, the best is to create a single Ramp user and add all the individual ramp agents as employees to this user. This way each ramp user must specify its validation key when changes are entered, just like OPS.
For mobile device usage however it is better to create individual user accounts. This makes it possible to quickly enter changes on your mobile device without having to specify your validation key.
Create a specific Ramp role
Ramp agents should have very limited authorizations. For example, they should not be allowed to edit the order and change the aircraft registration. Master data changes like editing contact details or fleet information should not be allowed.
The following authorizations should be enabled for the ramp:
- View on AircraftRegistration, AircraftType, CrewMember, FlightLeg, FrontOfficeOrder, Orderline, ParkingAssignment and ParkingPosition
- Add, edit and delete on ParkingAssignment
To prevent that ramp agents can order third-party services, specific transitions in service workflows need to be restricted for the ramp. This can be configured via workflow transition access.
Configuring template for the Order List screen
The style of the listed orders on the Ramp screen can be configured by setting the RampOpenOrdersListTemplate.
On every line, the <h> tag defines the layout of that particular line. Usable tags are <h1>, \<h2> and \<h3>.
If no tag is specified, it will use the h3 tag as default.
After the <h> tag, you can use the ~-Variables to create a layouts for the listed orders. The following example is the default setting for a FBO one location:
<h1> ~RegistrationCode~ ~OrderKey~ ~QuickTurn~ <h2> ~RelativeArrivalAndDepartureTime~ <h2> ~AircraftTypeModelOrShortName~, ~ParkingPosition~, ~OrderStateName~ <h3> ~AllServicesList~
Which results in the following layout:
Configuring template for the Order Detail screen
The layout of an order can be configured by the setting RampOpenOrderDetailScreenHeaderTemplate.
<h1> ~RegistrationCode~ ~OrderKey~ ~QuickTurn~ <h2> ~RelativeArrivalAndDepartureTime~ <h3> ~AircraftTypeModelOrShortName~, ~ParkingPosition~, ~OrderStateName~ <h3> ~InboundPaxCountFormatted~, ~OutboundPaxCountFormatted~, ~PilotInCommandNames~
Which results in the following layout:
Creating filtered views for the Ramp Screen
In some cases it may be useful for the Ramp Screen to be filtered by services. For example, if an FBO has particular ramp agents dedicated to specific services such as Lav Servicing or Catering, then it may be useful for these agents to see only aircraft requiring these services.
For this reason, ramp service filtered views can be created. These ramp filtered views will appear in addition to the regular link to the ramp screen.
In the below example, 'Ramp (Catering)' was selected from the menu. FBO One now displays only a list of flights with catering orders:
To create dedicated ramp views, go to Administration > Ramp Task Tabs
Existing filtered views are listed in this section:
To add a new ramp filtered view, a new 'Ramp task tab' must be created.
Use the 'Add new' button in the top section of this screen first. The name should be short and will act as the label shown under the menu. For this example a new tag called 'Water' is being added:
Next, the product(s) must be linked to the tag.
The product(s) added define which orders are shown in the new filtered view. For this example, the filtered view should show only orders containing 'Water' servicing, and so only the product 'Water' is added.
Use the 'Add new' button under the lower section of the screen to add the product(s). Then 'Save'.
The new filtered view is now available under the 'Menu':
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