In this article, you will learn about the administrative tasks for handling orders. Handling orders - and any other type of orders - are at the heart of the FBO One and must be defined before they can be used. Here you can read how you create new and edit existing orders. If you are in charge of defining a handling order (or any other type of order) then this is what you need to do:
Before you change any settings
Create a workflow diagram that describes how orders are handled in your business today
In order to create a workflow of how orders are handled you must have a clear understanding of how your business operates today. If you currently do not have this understanding then you will have to find someone who does or interview the people who actually process the handling orders in the business. Another great way to get hold of this information is to work alongside the people who do this work and take note of what they do, what works well, and what needs to be improved. From this information, you should be able to create a workflow diagram from their actions. If you have never created a workflow diagram before, fear not. You can read about how to create one here: Creating a workflow.
Define the actions that are performed when a handling order moves from one state to another in the workflow
These actions are a reflection of the work associated with the actual handling of the order. For instance, when an aircraft has arrived, the operator has to take note of its arrival time, number of passengers, parking place, etc. It is only after an aircraft has arrived that the requested services for the order can be started. Some services are always present for a handling order, and others are added on request. Typically, a handling fee, airport taxes, and parking fees are services that are part of every handling order. In FBO One these services can be automatically added when a handling order is created. Each service added to a handling order is a mini-workflow in itself. All service workflows must be completed in order for the handling order to be completed. This makes sense as services are the building blocks of the handling order.
Another important aspect of services is that they can be performed in parallel. Cleaning, catering, and fueling services can all be performed at the same time. While work on them is carried out, the operator of FBO One is notified of their progress and moves the current state from one state to another. Just as with the overall workflow, transitions of service workflows can be associated with action screens where the FBO One operators record important information about the transition of the service.
The Order Workflow Menu
Using the menu, navigate to the 'Order workflows' page under 'Administration' > 'Workflow'.
The Order Workflow Screen
Order workflows' section
- Shows all of the defined Order workflows.
- This is the starting point to create, copy, edit, or download and Import an Order workflow.
- Users can also see a log of changes made to each workflow.
Workflow start transition(s) section
Shows the start transition(s) of the selected order workflow.
- 'Add new' to define one or more Order start transitions
Note that you can not create a workflow start transition if not at least one workflow state is present for the selected order workflow.
Workflow states section
- Shows the workflow states of the selected order workflow.
- Each state is connected by a transition
Workflow transitions section
- Shows the workflow transitions of the selected workflow state (of the selected order workflow).
- The available Order workflow transitions are covered in the Order Workflows section.
- Each state can have transitions to more than one other state. e.g a 'requested' order could got to a 'confirmed' or 'cancelled' state.
- Note this section is only used for transitions between two workflow states.
- Use the Workflow start transition(s) section to create start transition(s).
- TIP: Make sure you 'select' the correct from workflow state before adding transitions.
Transition documents attachments section
- This section is associated to an individual transition.
- Some transition actions, such as 'HandlingConfirm' for example, send an email message.
- This section can be used to attach a template document or report to a message. E.g you may want to send a copy of the FBO terms and conditions with the message.
- That example is described in this article.
- Make sure you 'select' the correct transition before adding a document.
Workflow transition access
- This section is used to give explicite permission to one or more roles for a specific transition. e.g you may only want certian roles to be able to confirm or cancel a handling.
Screens Summary:
- The sections cascade down based on the selection in the section above.
- You can select an item by clicking the 'Select' link next to the item. This updates the related sections on the rest of the screen.
- To edit an item click the Edit link.
- To delete one or more items, check the checkboxes next to the items to be deleted, check the Confirm delete checkbox and finally click Delete.
- Remember: You need to create the workflow states before you can define the start transions (state).
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