Home-based aircraft at an FBO location follow a distinctive flight sequence, usually featuring a departure followed by an arrival. This differs from the customary handling order, which typically entails an arrival followed by a departure. FBO One can be configured to cater to this requirement by carrying out the following steps:
- Enable HomeOperator Orders for the FBO Location(s).
- Review the workflow steps
- Create or replicate auto-add rules for the new order type.
- Review the email message settings
- Setup home-based Aircraft
- Test and deploy
Note: If you are not familiar with any of the steps above, we highly recommend that you apply changes in your test system first.
1. Enable HomeOperator Orders for the FBO Location(s).
The 'HomeOperatorWorkflow' should already be available in your system from FBO One commissioning. It can be found in the 'Order workflows' screen. If your system does not have the HomeOperator workflow, you can import the XML file attached to this article using these instructions.
- Select 'Edit' for the workflow start transition.
- Select the 'Restricted to FBO location group' dropdown.
- Select the 'group' you wish the workflow to be enabled for. For this exercise, we'll enable this workflow for LFPB location 'group' only.
- Left blank will apply the change to ALL locations.
- Note: if this workflow is already assigned to an FBO location group, you will need to either:
- Add the new location to the group or (May not be possible if the group is tied to other non-relevant settings)
- Create a new group of locations that includes the originals and the new location. e.g called "HomeBased Operations".
Once applied, the "New home operator order' option will be available.
2. Review the workflow steps
After enabling the order workflow for your selected location(s), review the template states and transitions to ensure alignment with your FBO processes. The workflow is likely to mirror your HandlingOrder workflow, with Arrival and Departure reversed. For those unfamiliar with workflows, start by reading the Introduction to Order Workflow Administration for an overview and links to additional resources.
Tip: Using your test system at this stage is good practice. You can create several HomeOperator orders and run scenarios to make sure the workflow meets your requirements.
3. Create or Replicate auto-add rules for the new order type.
Your current auto-add rules for the HandlingOrder workflow will not automatically apply to the HomeOperatorOrder workflow. The auto-adds you wish to apply to the new order type will need to be replicated for the 'Auto-add Products' page. Read the article on Auto-Add Products to learn how to add auto-adds for the order type.
4. Review the email message settings
As with most handling order types, FBO One will send out handling confirmation and cancellation messages. The content of the following messages can be checked and edited on the 'Email Message Settings' page.
- HnHomeOperatorConfirmationEmailBodyTextOnly
- HnHomeOperatorConfirmationEmailBody
- HnHomeOperatorCancellationEmailBody
5. Setup home-based Aircraft
If the aircraft registration is not in the system, it will need to be added first. Instructions can be found in the article, Front Office Exercise - Creating New Registrations.
Identifying a registration as home-based is done on the 'Home Based Aircraft' page. Fill out the fields based on the information available.
6. Test and Deploy
Probably the most important step before deploying and using the changes in the Live system. We recommend several scenarios be run by more than one person to identify any gaps in the setup. The testing should:
- Cover all possible workflow states and transitions.
- Check all order related emails (Confirm, Cancel, Movement) are sent to the correct recipients in the correct format.
- Check auto-add rules are applied correctly
- Check that order custom values are present and set correctly
- Include orders for most of the base aircraft, especially if there are multiple types.
Should you run into an issue during or after the setup of the HomeOperatorOrder workflow, please raise a 'New Request' and seek assistance from the FBO One support team.
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