Setting Name(s): DepartureNotificationEmailSubject, DepartureNotificationEmailBody, ArrivalNotificationEmailBody, ArrivalNotificationEmailSubject
Can be configured per FBO?: Yes
Examples (Arrival & Departure)
These settings allow you to configure the body of the movement message email.
Select 'Edit' for the message setting to be changed. Save when done.
You can choose from a comprehensive set of variables, of which these are the most important:
AircraftRegistrationCode Displays the aircraft registration
AircraftTypeShortName Displays the aircraft type
ArrivalOnBlocksDateTimeUtc Displays the on block date time in UTC
AtaUtc Displays the actual arrival time in UTC
AtdUtc Displays the actual departure time in UTC
EmployeeFirstName Displays the employee that is linked to the user that is currently logged in
EtaAtDestinationLt Displays ETA at destination in Local time - format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm (LT)
EtaAtDestinationUtc Displays ETA at destination in UTC time - format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm (UTC)
HandlingStationIcaoCode Displays the ICAO code of the airport at which the aircraft will be handled
InboundBaggagePieces Displaysthe baggage count for the arrival leg
InboundFlightLegDisplayName Displays the flight number of the arriving flight if available
InboundMovementMessageRemark Displays an external remark typed in the transition screen
InboundPaxCount Displays the number of arriving passengers
MostActualArrivalTimeIataUTC Displays the Arrival Time only in format HHmm e.g 0843
MostActualDepartureTimeIataUTC Displays the Arrival Time only in format HHmm e.g 2355
OperatorName Displays the name of the operator to which the movement message is sent
OrderKey Displays the order number from FBO One
OutboundArrivalStationIcaoCode Displays the ICAO code of the flight destination
OutboundBaggagePieces Displays the baggage count for the departure leg
OutboundFlightLegDisplayName Displays the flight number of the departing flight if available
OutboundPaxCount Displays the amount of departing passengers
Reports-Email Displays the email address as per report settings
Reports-Fax Displays the fax number as per report settings
Reports-Phone Displays the phone number as per report settings
ScheduledArrivalDay Displays the Scheduled arrival day. This implies that if e.g. the A/C arrives on a date that differs from the date specified as the STA, then this date will be shown as per the STA. The ATA however will show the actual Arrival date.
ScheduledDepartureDay Displays the Scheduled Departure day. This implies that if e.g. the A/C departs on a date that differs from the date specified as the STD, then this date will be shown as per the STD. The ATD however will show the actual Arrival date.
Arrival Notification
Dear Client,
Please find below the movement message for aircraft registration ~AircraftRegistrationCode~.
AA ~AtaUtc~/~Custom-OnBlocksTimeUtc~
PAX ~InboundPaxCount~
REMARKS ~InboundMovementMessageRemark~
AC TYPE ~AircraftTypeShortName~
OPERATOR ~OperatorName~
ORIGIN ~InboundDepartureStationIcaoCode~
Kind regards
~Reports-Address2~, ~Reports-City~.
Tel: ~Reports-Phone~
Email: ~Reports-Email~
Timestamp: ~CurrentDateTime~
Departure Notification
Dear Client,
Please find below the movement message for aircraft bearing registration ~AircraftRegistrationCode~.
AD ~Custom-OffBlocksTimeUtc~/~AtdUtc~
EA ~Custom-EtaAtDestination~
PAX ~OutboundPaxCount~
REMARKS ~OutboundMovementMessageRemark~
AC TYPE ~AircraftTypeShortName~
OPERATOR ~OperatorName~
DESTINATION ~OutboundArrivalStationIcaoCode~
Kind regards
~Reports-Address2~, ~Reports-City~.
Tel: ~Reports-Phone~
Email: ~Reports-Email~
Timestamp: ~CurrentDateTime~
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