The Invoice 'Send By Email" email template settings are defined in the FBO One system settings. Below are the steps required to add the amount and booked currency variables to the email template. The same method can be used to apply many different Invoice variables.
Note: To avoid disruption to service when making changes to live system settings, it's highly recommended to apply the change in your Test System and confirm the result before applying it to the Live System.
Change the 'Send By Email' template settings.
- Navigate to the Back Office > Administrations page.
- Select 'edit' for the Administration name you wish to apply the change(s).
- Scroll down until you find the Email message settings 'Email body for invoicing' setting. In the example below, the "~AmmountDueInChargedCurrency~" and "~ChargedCurrencyCode~" have been used. These could substituted for "~AmmountDueInBookedCurrency~" and "~BookedCurrencyCode~" for example.
- For a list of available placeholders, refer to Email Template Variables for Invoices
- Continue scrolling down and select 'Save'
- Check your changes.
The result from the settings above will look something like this.
Dear Client,
Please find attached invoice 1357642 with invoice date 01-Jul-23.
In accordance with our credit terms (30 days) kindly remit the 1752.89 USD payment
to our company account prior to the invoice due date 31-Jul-23.
Should you have any queries please feel free contact us.
Kind regards,
Jane Smith
Accounts Team
Your FBO Services
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