Occasionally a credit card transaction through the online gateway will be blocked by an error message. The below error message is generated directly from the processor.
Error Text: Business Rules Error 1045 Fuel Price too High
Card Type: AVCARD
Details: AVCARD has a maximum permitted rate per unit of measure (usg/liter). Attempting a transaction at a higher rate results in this error message.
Typically the error is due to one of the following points:
User manually enters a quantity of just 1 usg/liter instead of the actual quantity of fuel and the actual per unit rate
1 usg x 100 rate = 100 total (incorrect)
20 usg x 5 rate = 100 total (correct)
User enters a fuel quantity containing a decimal (only whole gallons or liters are acceptable)
20.2 usg x 5 rate = 100 total (incorrect)
20 usg x 5 rate = 100 total (correct)
The Fuel product needs to be correctly configured to 'Show unit price and quantity on invoice'
AHT Product Mapping is missing or incorrect for one of the uplift price components.
Points 1 & 2 can be easily resolved by the end user.
Points 3 & 4 will require action from the local key user with authorization level permitting product changes.
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