Credit card payments can be processed online in FBO One via a gateway connected to the card processor. Merchants receive payment for the transactions after the batching and settlement process.
Overnight Batching and Settlement
When FBO One software users submit online credit card transactions for authorization, the charges are approved by the processor immediately. Later, all the authorized charges are automatically "batched" overnight.
- Batching simply means that all the authorized charges for one day are sent in a single "batch" to the processor(s) for final handling.
- The time between authorization and batching allows for adjustments to the transactions via the Void process.
- After batching, "settlement" occurs – the funds from the transactions, minus any processing fees, are queued for deposit to the merchant's account. Receiving payment for the transactions typically takes 24 - 48 hours, but may take longer for certain card types or if there is a bank holiday.
Overnight Batching happens automatically, typically a few minutes after midnight local time. No user action is required. It is possible to review the current status of all credit card transactions via Administration | Payment | Online Payments.
Batch Reports
Credit Card Batch reports are available from the Reports tab.
- Both reports contain the same batch information.
- The Excel version will download an Excel file, and will also be scheduled to send automatically by email each day to designated recipients.
- The On Screen version will open as shown below. The On Screen version includes a search option, which is useful if you need to locate transactions by some criteria other than the order key. When discussing payment issues with the processor, the Invoice ID is often used, since this is the reference number used by the card processor.
Batch and Settlement Reports Provided by the Processor
Daily reporting is provided directly to the merchant by the processor(s) of settlement and payment of online transactions. For some card types, this reporting is sent by email for any day in which there is a transaction processed. For accounts with multiple card types, the reporting might be provided by giving the merchant access to an online dashboard. This reporting is between the processor and merchant, and outside of the control of Amsterdam Software / FBO One.
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