- Introduction
- Generic variables
- VAT Claims text in the footer of the order variables
- Including custom values in email messages templates and reports
Template variables can be used for email's out and for creating custom planboard columns see: How to create custom planboard columns (with examples) for Handlings, Movements and Classic pages |
The email variables can be used when configuring a template for:
- Supply order email message
- Movement message
- The mobile/ramp screens
Note: Ensure that all variables start and end with a tilde '~' example: ~AircraftTypeIcaoCode~
Generic variables:
Variable Name |
Description |
Example |
Available for planboard columns |
~AircraftRegistrationID~ | Technical ID in GUID format. | 1ffed961-288a-4753-be29-27ca75d2fc9a | Yes |
~AocNumber~ |
AOC number from debtor or operator. |
G-1234 | Yes |
~AocExpireDate~ |
AOC expiration date from debtor or operator. | 01-Jan-99 | Yes |
~AocContact~ |
'Debtor' or 'Operator' from which the AOC number and expiration date is from. | Debtor | Yes |
~AircraftSerialNumber~ |
Display the aircraft registrations serial number | 01265 | Yes |
~AircraftTypeDisplayName~ |
Display name of the aircraft type. | Cessna Citation 560 Excel - C56X (C560XL) | Yes |
~AircraftTypeModelName~ |
Aircraft type model name. | Citation 560 Excel - C56X | Yes |
~AircraftTypeModelOrShortName~ |
First tries to find a AircraftTypeModelName, if empty shows AircraftTypeShortName. | Citation 560 Excel - C56X | Yes |
~AircraftTypeShortName~ |
Aircraft type short name. | C560XL | Yes |
~AircraftTypeIcaoCode~ | Aircraft type ICAO code. | C56X | Yes |
~AircraftTypeIataCode~ |
Aircraft type IATA code. | CNJ | Yes |
~ArrivalOnBlocksDateTimeUtc~ | Displays in UTC, the actual on blocks date time if specified. Otherwise displays the ATA plus default taxi arrival time value from the pre-assigned parking position. | 23-Jun-20 12:05 (UTC) | Yes |
~AtdFromOriginDateTimeLt~ | Actual time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In local time for the Origin station. | 23-Jun-20 08:25 (LT) | Yes |
~AtdFromOriginDateTimeUtc~ | Actual time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In UTC. | 23-Jun-20 11:25 (UTC) | Yes |
~CommsbankSessionLinkHtmlBlock~ | Displays a html block with a link to the related Commsbank session. | No | |
~CurrentDateTimeUTC~ |
Current date time in UTC. | 24-Jun-20 07:54UTC | Yes |
~CurrentDateTimeLT~ |
Current date time in LT. | 24-Jun-20 08:54LT | Yes |
~CurrentDateTime~ |
Current date time in both local and UTC | 24-Jun-20 08:54LT / 24-Jun-20 07:54UTC | Yes |
~DebtorDisplayName~ |
Display name of the debtor. Organization name with contact number. | BravoCat Ltd (100098) | Yes |
~DebtorDisplayShortName~ |
'Short name' field of the debtor with contact number. | BravoCat (100098) | Yes |
~DebtorShortName~ |
'Short name' field of the debtor. | BravoCat | Yes |
~DebtorName~ |
'Organization name' field of the debtor. | BravoCat Ltd | Yes |
~DebtorAddress1~ | 'Address 1' field of the debtor. | 111 Industrial Ave | Yes |
~DebtorAddress2~ | 'Address 2' field of the debtor. | Teterboro Airport | Yes |
~DebtorZipcode~ | 'Zipcode' field of the debtor. | 07608 | Yes |
~DebtorCity~ | 'City' field of the debtor. | Teterboro | Yes |
~DebtorState~ | 'State' field of the debtor. | New Jersey | Yes |
~DebtorCountry~ | 'Country' field of the debtor. | United States (US) | Yes |
~DebtorPhone1~ | 'Phone 1' field of the debtor. | +001 555 111 111 | Yes |
~DebtorPhone2~ | 'Phone 2' field of the debtor. | +001 555 111 112 | Yes |
~DebtorEmail1~ | 'Email 1' field of the debtor. | | Yes |
~DebtorEmail2~ | 'Email 2' field of the debtor. | | Yes |
~DebtorOrderNo~ | Order number of the debtor and the operator's handling order number if available. Separated by '|'. | 1222111 | D112233 | Yes |
~DebtorsOrderNumber~ | Reference number provided by the debtor for the (related) order. It is also used to store the fuel release number. | D112233 | Yes |
~DeliveryDateTime~ | Specified delivery date for the service in local time and UTC. | 25-Jun-20 15:00LT / 25-Jun-20 14:00UTC | No |
~DeliveryDateTimeLT~ | Same as above, in the local time of the handling station. | 25-Jun-20 15:00LT | No |
~DeliveryDateTimeUTC~ | Same as above, in UTC only. | 25-Jun-20 14:00UTC | No |
~DepartureOffBlocksDateTimeUtc~ |
Displays in UTC, the departure actual off blocks date time if specified. Otherwise displays the ATD subtracting the default taxi departure time value from the pre-assigned parking position. |
25-Jun-20 14:55 (UTC) | Yes |
~DestinationStationNameCountry~ |
Station name and country of the destination station. |
Dublin Airport Dublin Ireland | Yes |
~DestinationStationName~ | 'Station name' field of the destination station. | Dublin Airport | Yes |
~DestinationStationPlace~ | 'Place' field of the destination station. | - | No |
~DestinationStationCountry~ | 'Country' field of the destination station. | Ireland | Yes |
~DestinationStationIata~ | 'IATA code' field of the destination station. | DUB | Yes |
~DestinationStationIcao~ | 'ICAO code' field of the destination station. | EIDW | Yes |
~EmployeeDisplayName~ | The name of the user, is based on the login and validation key used. This will be different depending on who is using the system at the time the variable is used, and can even be unknown if the validation key has expired. | Adam Marriott | Yes (Displays current user) |
~EmployeeFirstName~ | First name of the user. | Adam | Yes (Displays current user) |
~EtdDateTimeLt~ | Estimate time of departure from the handling station in local time. | 24-Jun-20 08:00 (LT) | Yes |
~EtdDateTimeUtc~ | Estimate time of departure from the handling station in UTC. | 24-Jun-20 07:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~EtdFromOriginDateTimeLt~ | Estimated time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In local time for the Origin station. | 23-Jun-20 08:15 (LT) | Yes |
~EtdFromOriginDateTimeUtc~ | Estimated time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In UTC. | 23-Jun-20 11:15 (UTC) | Yes |
~FootprintInSqFt~ | The aircraft type area footprint in sq ft, based upon wingspan * length of aircraft. | 274.72 | Yes |
~FootprintInM2~ | The aircraft type area footprint in m2, based upon wingspan * length of aircraft. | 2957.06 | Yes |
~FopCodeName~ |
Form of payment name. |
Yes |
~FopDisplayName~ | Form of payment display name. | MASTERCARD EUR | Yes |
~FrontOfficeWorkflowName~ | Front office order workflow name. | Handling Order | Yes |
~HandlingLocation~ |
Handling station of the order. |
Biggin Hill (EGKB) | Yes |
~HandlingStationIataCode~ | IATA code of the handling station. | BQH | Yes |
~HandlingStationIcaoCode~ | ICAO code of the handling station. | EGKB | Yes |
~InboundAirportSlotDescription~ | Display the same inbound slot description visible in the handling confirmation report. Contains the slot time, the service state, supplier order number and remarks. | 12:00 (UTC) | AP122 (Accepted) Test remark | Yes |
~InboundBaggagePieces~ | Inbound baggage pieces | 23 | Yes |
~InboundBaggageWeight~ |
Inbound baggage weight | 100 | Yes |
~InboundCrewCount~ | Inbound crew count. | 2 | Yes |
~InboundFlightNumber~ | Inbound flight number. | TEST123 | Yes |
~InboundFlightType~ | Inbound flight type. | Commercial | Yes |
~InboundPaxCount~ | Inbound pax count. | 2 | Yes |
~InboundTransitPaxCount~ | Inbound transit pax count. | 1 | Yes |
~InboundMovementMessageRemark~ | Inbound movement message remark added on arrival. | 2 PAX ISO 1 | Yes |
~InboundNonTransitPaxCount~ | Pax count minus transit pax count for arrival. | 1 | Yes |
~InboundPilotNames~ | Name(s) of the inbound Pilot in command (PIC). | Adam Marriott | No |
~InboundCrewNames~ |
All inbound crew names in list format. |
Adam Marriott Chris Price |
No |
~InboundCrewTypesWithNames~ |
All inbound crew names and crew type as a prefix. Each crew type is placed on a new line and the type prefix is separated from the names by ':'. |
PIC: Adam Marriott SIC: Chris Price |
No |
~InboundPaxNamesAndDetails~ |
Shows a list with all the inbound passenger details separated by '|'. The details include: Name, Date of Birth or '?' if blank, Gender (Male or Female), Place of birth, Country, Passport Number, Passport Expiry Date, Remark. |
Pax | John Smith | 12.01.1988 | Male | New York | USA | P12345 | Exp: 01-Jan-2022 |
No |
~InboundCrewNamesAndDetails~ |
Shows a list with all the inbound crew details separated by '|'. The details include: Name, Date of Birth or '?' if blank, Gender (Male or Female), Place of birth, Country, Passport Number, , Passport Expiry Date, Licence, Remark. |
PIC | Adam Marriott | Male | 01-Jan-80 | London | United Kingdom | 516515 | Exp: 01-Jan-25 SIC | Chris Price | ? | 12345667 |
No |
~InboundPaxNames~ |
All inbound pax names for in list format. |
James Smith John Smith |
No |
~InboundPaxTypesWithNames~ |
Displays the member names with the type as a prefix. Each type is placed on a new line and the type prefix is separated from the names by ':'. |
PAX: James Smith, John Smith | No |
~InboundSecondInCommandNames~ | Second in command names (not pilot) for inbound. | Chris Price | No |
~InvoiceCreditTermDays~ | The invoice credit term days based upon the contract for the debtor. If no contract found, then 0 days will show | 30 | No |
~InvoiceDueDate~ | The invoice due date in the Short date format. Due date = Invoice created date + Credit term days. | 25-Oct-22 | No |
~MostActualArrivalTime~ | Most accurate arrival time of the aircraft as also seen on the planboard (in user timezone). | 23-Jun-20 12:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeLT~ | Displays the most actual Arrival Date and Time (in local timezone of the handling station) followed by '(LT)'. | 23-Jun-20 13:00 (LT) | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeUTC~ | 'MostActualArrivalTime' in UTC time. | 23-Jun-20 12:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalDateOnlyLT~ | 'MostActualArrivalTime', the date only in local time. | 23-Jun-20 | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalDateOnlyUTC~ | 'MostActualArrivalTime', the date only in UTC. | 23-Jun-20 | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeIataUTC~ | 'MostActualArrivalTime', the IATA format in UTC. | 1200 | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeOnlyLT~ | 'MostActualArrivalTime' the time only in local time. | 13:00 | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeOrPendingTextWithoutSlots~ | The most accurate arrival time of the aircraft without taking into consideration the Arrival Slot time in UTC. "Pending text" will show if arrival is pending. | 23-Jun-20 12:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeLTOrPendingText~ |
Most accurate arrival time of the aircraft in local time. "Pending text" will show if arrival is pending. Note: This variable will also work to populate the Start Date/Time of OTC Orders in LT. However, if the Start Date/Time fields are blank a dash ( - ) will show on the outgoing email. |
23-Jun-20 13:00 (LT) | Yes |
~MostActualArrivalTimeUTCOrPendingText~ |
Most accurate arrival time of the aircraft in UTC. "Pending text" will show if arrival is pending. Note: This variable will also work to populate the Start Date/Time of OTC Orders in UTC. However, if the Start Date/Time fields are blank a dash ( - ) will show on the outgoing email. |
23-Jun-20 12:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTime~ | The most accurate departure time of the aircraft is also seen on the planboard (in the user timezone). | 25-Jun-20 15:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeLT~ | Displays the most actual Departure Date and Time (in the local timezone of the handling station) followed by '(LT)'. | 25-Jun-20 16:00 (LT) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeUTC~ | 'MostActualDepartureTime' in UTC time. | 25-Jun-20 15:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureDateOnlyLT~ | 'MostActualDepartureTime', the date only in local time. | 25-Jun-20 | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureDateOnlyUTC~ | 'MostActualDepartureTime', the date only in UTC. | 25-Jun-20 | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeIataUTC~ | 'MostActualDepartureTime', the IATA format in UTC. | 1500 | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeOnlyLT~ | 'MostActualDepartureTime' is the time only in local time. | 16:00 | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeOrPendingTextWithoutSlots~ | The most accurate departure time of the aircraft without taking into consideration the Departure Slot time in UTC. "Pending text" will show if departure is pending. | 25-Jun-20 15:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeLTOrPendingText~ |
The most accurate departure time of the aircraft in local time. "Pending text" will show if departure is pending. Note: This variable will also work to populate the End Date/Time of OTC Orders in LT. However, if the End Date/Time fields are blank a dash ( - ) will show on the outgoing email. |
25-Jun-20 16:00 (LT) | Yes |
~MostActualDepartureTimeUTCOrPendingText~ |
Most accurate arrival time of the aircraft in UTC. "Pending text" will show if arrival is pending. Note: This variable will also work to populate the End Date/Time of OTC Orders in UTC. However, if the End Date/Time fields are blank a dash ( - ) will show on the outgoing email. |
25-Jun-20 15:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~MtowKg~ | MTOW in kilograms of the aircraft type. | 9163 | Yes |
~MtowLb~ | MTOW in pounds of the aircraft type. | 20201 | Yes |
~MtowTon~ | MTOW in tons (rounded up) of the aircraft type. | 10 | Yes |
~NeedsPayment~ | Shows when an order needs payment, due to an amount due left and no suitable on-account default form of payment selected. | Needs payment | Yes |
~OperatorDisplayName~ | Display name of the operator. Organization name with contact number. | Aero Golf (100708) | Yes |
~OperatorDisplayShortName~ |
'Short name' field of the operator with contact number. | Aero G (100708) | Yes |
~OperatorsHandlingNumber~ | Reference number for the handling provided by the operator or trip support provider. It is also used to store the Netjets request numbers. | 1222111 | Yes |
~OriginStationNameCountry~ | Station name and country where the aircraft arrived from. | Nice Cote D'Azur Nice France | Yes |
~OperatorShortName~ | 'Short name' field of the operator. | Aero G | Yes |
~OperatorName~ | 'Organization name' field of the operator. | Aero Golf | Yes |
~OperatorAddress1~ | 'Address 1' field of the operator. | 1 Main Terminal Road | Yes |
~OperatorAddress2~ | 'Address 2' field of the operator. | Office Complex 2 | Yes |
~OperatorZipcode~ | 'Zipcode' field of the operator. | SW1A 1AA | Yes |
~OperatorCity~ | 'City' field of the operator. | London | Yes |
~OperatorState~ | 'State' field of the operator. | Greater London | Yes |
~OperatorCountry~ | 'Country' field of the operator. | United Kingdom (GB) | Yes |
~OperatorPhone1~ | 'Phone 1' field of the operator. | +44 1234 567890 | Yes |
~OperatorPhone2~ | 'Phone 2' field of the operator. | +44 1234 567891 | Yes |
~OperatorEmail1~ | 'Email 1' field of the operator. | | Yes |
~OperatorEmail2~ | 'Email 2' field of the operator. | | Yes |
~OrderDisplayName~ | Registration and flight number separated by a dash "-". | GTEST - TEST123/TEST124 | Yes |
~OrderExternalRemarks~ | External remarks of the order. | Please reconfirm catering/transport hotel | Yes |
~OrderLineExternalRemarks~ | External remarks of the OrderLine. | No fish in any dishes for catering order | No |
~OrderlineID~ | Technical ID in GUID format for the Orderline (or the service). Note this is always unique. | 1ffed961-288a-4753-be29-27ca75d2fc9a | No |
~OrderInternalRemarks~ | Internal remarks of the order. | Pax to travel with crew to hotel | Yes |
~OrderKey~ | The order's order key. | FBO-60686 | Yes |
~OrderReceiptNumber~ | Receipt number (for credit card payments) of the order. See Taking and correcting payments. | 12344 | No |
~OrderStateName~ | Current order workflow state of the order. | Departed | Yes |
~OrderStateDisplayName~ | Current workflow and order workflow state of the order, separated by '|'. | Handling Order | Departed | Yes |
~OriginStationName~ | 'Station name' field of the origin station. |
Nice Cote D'Azur |
Yes |
~OriginStationPlace~ | 'Place' field of the origin station. | Nice | Yes |
~OriginStationCountry~ | 'Country' field of the origin station. | France | Yes |
~OriginStationIata~ | 'IATA code' field of the origin station. | NCE | Yes |
~OriginStationIcao~ | 'ICAO code' field of the origin station. | LFMN | Yes |
~OutboundAirportSlotDescription~ | Display the same outbound slot description visible in the handling confirmation report. Contains the slot time, the service state, the supplier order number, and remarks. | 15:00 (UTC) | AP123 (Accepted) | Yes |
~OutboundCrewCount~ | Outbound crew count. | 2 | Yes |
~OutboundBaggagePieces~ |
Outbound baggage count. | 3 | No |
~OutboundBaggageWeight~ |
Outbound baggage weight | 100 | Yes |
~OutboundDepartureStationIataCode~ | The flight's destination's IATA code. | DUB | Yes |
~OutboundFlightNumber~ | Outbound flight number. | TEST124 | Yes |
~OutboundFlightType~ | Outbound flight type. | Ferry | Yes |
~OutboundMovementMessageRemark~ | Outbound movement message remark added on departure. | 0 PAX ISO 1 | Yes |
~OutboundPaxCount~ | Outbound pax count. | 0 | Yes |
~OutboundTransitPaxCount~ | Outbound transit pax count. | 0 | Yes |
~OutboundNonTransitPaxCount~ | Pax count minus transit pax count for departure. | 0 | Yes |
~OutboundPilotNames~ | Name(s) of the outbound Pilot in command (PIC) | Adam Marriott | No |
~OutboundCrewNames~ |
All outbound crew names in list format. |
Adam Marriott Chris Price |
No |
~OutboundCrewTypesWithNames~ |
All outbound crew names and crew type as a prefix. Each type is placed on a new line and the type prefix is separated from the names by ':'. |
PIC: Adam Marriott SIC: Chris Price |
No |
~OutboundPaxNamesAndDetails~ |
Shows a list with all the outbound passenger details separated by '|'. The details include: Name, Date of Birth or '?' if blank, Gender (Male or Female), Place of birth, Country, Passport Number, Passport Expiry Date, Remark. |
PAX | James Smith | ? | United Kingdom PAX | John Smith | 01-Jan-99 | 123456 |
No |
~OutboundCrewNamesAndDetails~ |
Shows a list with all the outbound crew details separated by '|'. The details include: Name, Date of Birth or '?' if blank, Gender (Male or Female), Place of birth, Country, Passport Number, Passport Expiry Date, Licence, Remark. |
PIC | Adam Marriott | Male | 01-Jan-80 | London | United Kingdom | 516515 | Exp: 01-Jan-25 SIC | Chris Price | ? | 12345667 |
No |
~OutboundPaxNames~ |
All outbound pax names in list format. |
James Smith John Smith |
No |
~OutboundPaxTypesWithNames~ |
Displays the member names with the type as a prefix. Each type is placed on a new line and the type prefix is separated from the names by ':'. |
PAX: James Smith, John Smith | No |
~OutboundSecondInCommandNames~ | Second in command names (not pilot) for outbound. | Chris Price | No |
~ParkingPosition~ | Parking position or pre-assigned position of the aircraft | APRON | Yes |
~PilotInCommandNames~ | Displays pilot in command names for the arriving and departing flight (ramp screen only). | Captain Adam Marriott | No |
~ProductCode~ | The product code of the product used to send an external email. | CATERING | No |
~ProductDescription~ | The product description of the product used to send an external email. | Catering | No |
~QuickTurn~ | Displays a quick true or false if the order is a quick turn-around, according to the QuickTurn application setting. | False | Yes |
~RegistrationCode~ | Registration code (tail number) of the aircraft. | GTEST | Yes |
~RegistrationDisplayCode~ | Registration code of the aircraft formatted with or without dash based on the setting 'ShowDashInAircraftRegistrationDisplayCode'. | G-TEST | Yes |
~RelativeArrivalAndDepartureTime~ | Amount of time in days, hours or minutes away from ATA and ETD (only to be used in ramp page). | ATA 21 hours ago, ATD in 1 days | No |
~Reports-Address1~ | 'Address1' from report settings / FBO location settings. | FBO One | Yes |
~Reports-Address2~ | 'Address2' from report settings / FBO location settings. | Passenger Terminal, Main Road | Yes |
~Reports-Bank~ | 'Bank' from report settings / FBO location settings. | BARCLAYS BANK PLC | Yes |
~Reports-BankAccountNo~ | 'BankAccountNo' from report settings / FBO location settings. | 11111111 | Sort Code 12-34-56 | Yes |
~Reports-CallSign~ | 'CallSign' from report settings / FBO location settings. | FBO One Ops | Yes |
~Reports-City~ | 'City' from report settings / FBO location settings. | Amsterdam | Yes |
~Reports-Country~ | 'Country' from report settings / FBO location settings. | Netherlands | Yes |
~Reports-Email~ | 'Email' (ops email) from report settings / FBO location settings. | | Yes |
~Reports-EmailAC~ | 'EmailAC' (accounting email) from Report settings / FBO location settings. | | Yes |
~Reports-Fax~ | 'Fax' from report settings / FBO location settings. | +31 20 620 56 98 | Yes |
~Reports-Frequency~ | 'Frequency' from report settings / FBO location settings. | 131.790 | Yes |
~Reports-HandlingConfirmation-Footer~ |
'HandlingConfirmation-Footer' of the Handling Confirmation from report settings / FBO location settings. |
FBO One | Passenger Terminal, Main Road 1117 BG | Amsterdam | Netherlands Callsign: FBO One Ops | Freq: 131.790 |
Yes |
~Reports-HandlingOrder-Footer~ |
'HandlingOrder-Footer' of the handling order from report settings / FBO location settings. |
FBO One | Passenger Terminal, Main Road 1117 BG | Amsterdam | Netherlands Callsign: FBO One Ops | Freq: 131.790 |
Yes |
~Reports-HandlingRequest-Footer~ |
'HandlingRequest-Footer' of the handling request from report settings / FBO location settings. |
FBO One | Passenger Terminal, Main Road 1117 BG | Amsterdam | Netherlands Callsign: FBO One Ops | Freq: 131.790 |
Yes |
~Reports-Internet~ | 'Internet' from report settings / FBO location settings. | | Yes |
~Reports-Phone~ | 'Phone' from Report settings / FBO location settings. | +31 20 620 56 97 | Yes |
~Reports-ReportFBOLocation~ | 'ReportFBOLocation' from report settings / FBO location settings. | EHAM | Yes |
~Reports-Sita~ | 'Sita' from report settings / FBO location settings. | AMSYYZZ | Yes |
~Reports-State/Province~ | 'State/Province' from report settings / FBO location settings. | Schiphol | Yes |
~Reports-Telex~ | 'Telex' from report settings / FBO location settings. | AMS123 | Yes |
~Reports-TradeNo~ | 'TradeNo' from report settings / FBO location settings. | 1234567 | Yes |
~Reports-VatNo~ | 'VatNo' from report settings / FBO location settings. | NL12345678 | Yes |
~Reports-Zipcode~ | 'Zipcode' from report settings / FBO location settings. | 1117 BG | Yes |
~ScheduledArrivalDay~ |
Displays the number associated with the day of the month on which STA is scheduled - e.g. STD is 31-JUL-15 this variable will display 31 (can be used in Standard IATA MVT message format). Note: Even if the ATA date differs during arrival of the A/C, the STA date will be maintained when using this variable. |
23 | Yes |
~ScheduledDepartureDay~ |
Displays the number associated with the day of the month on which STD is scheduled - e.g. STD is 31-JUL-15 this variable will display 31 (can be used in Standard IATA MVT message format). Note: Even if the ATD date differs during departure of the A/C, the STD date will be maintained when using this variable. |
25 | Yes |
~SeatCount~ | The most specific number of seats of the aircraft. The number of seats is taken from the 'Default Seats' field under the Aircraft Type. However, if there is a value for 'Specific Seats' set under an Aircraft Registration, then this value will override the type-specific seat count. | 7 | Yes |
~SeatCountZeroPadded~ | Returns the same vale as the SeatCount variable (above) but in a 3-digit format. E.g. 5-Seats is displayed as 005 / 15-Seats as 015 / 160-Seats displays as 160. Where the seat count is not available, the variable will render as 00? | 007 | Yes |
~ServicesAsShownOnConfirmationAndSupplier~ | A multi-line string with all services as shown on the handling confirmation report (quantity, product description, supplier and external remarks). |
1 item Catering supplied by Catering VIP (No fish) 1 Service(s) Potable Water 1 Service(s) Toilet Service 1 Pot(s) Coffee 1 Bag(s) Ice Cubes 1 item Airport slot inbound 1 item Airport slot outbound 1 item Payment surcharge |
No - Do not use - Will break planboard. |
~ServiceInvoiceQuantity~ | Quantity of the service as displayed on the invoice. Both the quantity and the unit code are displayed. | 1 item | No |
~StaLT~ | Returns the STA (Scheduled Time of Arrival) in LT. | 23-Jun-20 13:00 (LT) | Yes |
~StaUTC~ | Returns the STA (Scheduled Time of Arrival) in UTC. | 23-Jun-20 12:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~StdLT~ | Returns the STD (Scheduled Time of Departure) in LT. | 25-Jun-20 16:00 (LT) | Yes |
~StdUTC~ | Returns the STD (Scheduled Time of Departure) in UTC. | 25-Jun-20 15:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~StdFromOriginDateTimeLt~ | Scheduled time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In local time for the Origin station. | 23-Jun-20 08:00 (LT) | Yes |
~StdFromOriginDateTimeUtc~ | Scheduled time of departure from origin - this is applicable for the arrival flight only. In UTC. | 23-Jun-20 11:00 (UTC) | Yes |
~SupplierContactName~ | 'Organization name' field of the operator. | Catering VIP | No |
~SupplierContactPhone1~ | 'Phone 1' field of the operator. | (0110) 222 2811 | No |
~SupplierContactFax~ | 'Fax' field of the operator. | (004) 60766516 | No |
~SupplierContactEmail1~ | 'Email 1' field of the operator. | | No |
~SupplierContactAddress1~ | 'Address 1' field of the operator. | 226-2131 Pellentesque St. | No |
~SupplierContactAddress2~ | 'Address 2' field of the operator. | Office 23 | No |
~SupplierContactCity~ | 'City' field of the operator. | Belfast | No |
~SupplierContactZipcode~ | 'Zipcode' field of the operator. | BT1 1AA | No |
~SupplierContactState~ | 'State' field of the operator. | Ulster | No |
~SupplierContactCountryDisplayName~ | 'Country' field of the operator. | Ireland (IE) | No |
~SuppliersOrderNumber~ | Displays the supplier's order number of the service for which the supply order template is used. | 123455 | No |
~TripSupportProviderDisplayName~ | Display name of the debtor. Organization name with contact number | Aero Delta Ltd (100843) | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderDisplayShortName~ |
'Short name' field of the debtor with contact number. | Aero Delta (100843) | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderShortName~ | 'Short name' field of the debtor. | Aero Delta | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderName~ | 'Organization name' field of the debtor. | Aero Delta Ltd | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderEmailAddress1~ | 'Email 1' field of the debtor. | | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderEmailAddress2~ | 'Email 2' field of the debtor. | | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderPhone1~ | 'Phone 1' field of the debtor. | +33 112 121233 | Yes |
~TripSupportProviderPhone2~ | 'Phone 2' field of the debtor. | +33 112 121234 | Yes |
~TripNumber~ | Trip number of the order linked to the trip support provider. | 132124 | Yes |
~UserEmployeeDisplayName~ | The name of the user and employee (if different, otherwise just the user), based on the login and validation key used. This will be different depending on who is using the system at the time the variable is used, and can even be unknown if the validation key has expired. See also EmployeeDisplayName. | Adam Marriott / FBO One Support | Yes (Displays current user) |
VAT Claims text in the footer of the order variables:
Variable Name |
Description |
Example |
Available for planboard columns |
~FormattedVatAmountInCurrencyForVatClaims~ |
The amount of VAT in the countries VAT currency. This currency is defined in the Administration. |
100.00 EUR | No |
~FormattedVatAmountInCurrencyForVatClaims~ |
The amount of VAT in the countries VAT currency. This currency is defined in the Administration. |
100.00 EUR | No |
~VatAmountInChargedCurrency~ | The amount of VAT in the charged order currency. | 100.00 | No |
~VatAmountInCurrencyForVatClaims~ | The amount of VAT in the VAT currency. | 100.00 | No |
~ChargedCurrencyCode~ | The currency of the charged form of payment. For example USD if the order is BILL USD. | USD | Yes |
~CurrencyForVatClaimsCode~ | Currency code that should be used to display amounts for VAT claims Example: EUR | EUR | Yes |
~ExchageRateCurrencyForVatClaimsOverChargedCurrency~ | The conversion rate from the currency for Vat claim to charged currency. | 1.1 | Yes |
~ExchageRateChargedCurrencyOverCurrencyForVatClaims~ | The conversion rate from the charged currency to the currency for Vat claim. | 0.9 | Yes |
~ChargedCurrencyIsDifferentFromCurrencyForVatClaimsText~ |
A template text taken from the Administration | Claim-back tax statement field. For example, if an invoice is issued in a foreign currency, the client may need to claim back the VAT or GST amount, but then in the local currency. Using this variable allows you to generate a remark text on the invoice that specifies the amount that can be claimed back. For example, your text may be For claiming import tax the GST rate is 10.00% standard rated GST 70.00 @ 1.2741 rate equivalent to SGD 89.19. To generate this example, use the template text "For claiming import tax the VAT rate is 10.00% standard rated VAT ~VatAmountInInvoiceCurrency~ @ ~ExchageRateCurrencyForVatClaimsOverChargedCurrency~ rate". |
For claiming import tax the VAT rate is 10.00% standard rated VAT ~VatAmountInInvoiceCurrency~ @ ~ExchageRateCurrencyForVatClaimsOverChargedCurrency~ rate |
Yes |
~VatCodeRemarks~ | The VAT invoice remark is be displayed depending on the applicable VAT code. | This is a reverse charge service and VAT should be accounted for by the recipient as per Article 196 of Council Directive 2006/112/EC. This VAT invoice remark is set in the Administration VAT codes. | No - Do not use - Will break planboard. |
~NoVatRemarks~ | The VAT invoice remark is be displayed if no vat code is applied. This value is defined in the 'NoVATRemark' setting. | No VAT applied | No - Do not use - Will break planboard. |
Including custom values in email messages templates and reports:
Via the syntax ~Custom-[Custom property name]~ it is possible to display the value of a custom property in the email message templates such as a handling confirmation of third-party supply order. For example, if a client is exempt from airport fees you may wish to label them as such using a custom property IsExemptFromAirportFees. This customer property would have two custom values 'Yes' or 'No'.
If this value needs to be displayed on a handling confirmation email or third-party supply order, the template variable ~Custom-IsExemptFromAirportFees~ can be used. This will either display 'Yes' or 'No' on the documentation sent out., depending on which value is assigned to the debtor.
The below example may be of use in order to display the 'Yes' or 'No'. If no value is set the result would be "Exempt from airport fees:" with no 'Yes' or 'No' value
Exempt from airport fees: ~Custom-IsExemptFromAirportFees~ |
There may be cases where you prefer to hide the entire text from the email e.g "Exempt from airport fees: YES" in which case the below example would do so
~Custom-IsExemptFromAirportFees|Exempt from airport fees: ~ |
In the above syntax, the label is added after the custom property name and is separated by a |-symbol. In case the custom property value is blank, both the value and the label are hidden.
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