These variables allow you to configure the body of the movement message email using field values stored in the system. You can choose from a set of variables, of which these are the most important:
Ensure that all variables start and end with a tilde '~' example: ~AircraftRegistrationCode~
Variable name | Description | Example |
~AircraftRegistrationCode~ | Displays the aircraft registration | 5BCKL |
~AircraftSerialNumber~ | Display the aircraft registrations serial number | 02695 |
~AircraftTypeShortName~ | Displays the aircraft type | H800XP |
~ArrivalOnBlocksDateTimeUtc~ | Displays the on block date time in UTC | 22-Mar-23 12:00 (UTC) |
~AtaUtc~ |
Displays the actual arrival time in UTC | 22-Mar-23 12:00 |
~AtdUtc~ | Displays the actual departure time in UTC | 22-Mar-23 22:06 |
~EmployeeFirstName~ | Displays the employee that is linked to the user that is currently logged in | Adam |
~EtaAtDestinationLt~ | Displays ETA at destination in Local time - format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm (LT) | 22-Mar-23 12:00 (LT) |
~EtaAtDestinationUtc~ | Displays ETA at destination in UTC time - format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm (UTC) | 22-Mar-23 14:00 (UTC) |
~HandlingStationIcaoCode~ | Displays the ICAO code of the airport at which the aircraft will be handled | EHAM |
~InboundBaggagePieces~ | Displays the baggage count for the arrival leg | 2 |
~InboundFlightLegDisplayName~ | Displays the flight number of the arriving flight if available | F23344 |
~InboundMovementMessageRemark~ | Displays an external remark typed in the transition screen | Test remark |
~InboundPaxCount~ | Displays the number of arriving passengers | 3 |
~MostActualArrivalTimeIataUTC~ | Displays the Arrival Time only in format HHmm e.g 0843 | 1200 |
~MostActualDepartureTimeIataUTC~ | Displays the Arrival Time only in format HHmm e.g 2355 | 2206 |
~OperatorName~ | Displays the name of the operator to which the movement message is sent | Euro Aviation SA |
~OrderKey~ | Displays the order number from FBO One | AMS-7 |
~OutboundArrivalStationIcaoCode~ | Displays the ICAO code of the flight destination | LHAA |
~OutboundBaggagePieces~ | Displays the baggage count for the departure leg | 5 |
~OutboundFlightLegDisplayName~ | Displays the flight number of the departing flight if available | F123456 |
~OutboundPaxCount~ | Displays the amount of departing passengers | 2 |
~Reports-Email~ | Displays the email address as per report settings | |
~Reports-Fax~ | Displays the fax number as per report settings | +20 1234 566 |
~Reports-Phone~ | Displays the phone number as per report settings | +31 (0)20 620 56 97 |
~ScheduledArrivalDay~ | Displays the Scheduled arrival day. This implies that if e.g. the A/C arrives on a date that differs from the date specified as the STA, then this date will be shown as per the STA. The ATA however will show the actual Arrival date. | 22 |
~ScheduledDepartureDay~ | Displays the Scheduled Departure day. This implies that if e.g. the A/C departs on a date that differs from the date specified as the STD, then this date will be shown as per the STD. The ATD however will show the actual Arrival date. | 22 |
See also
Email template variables
How to Customise Movement Message Formats using Custom Values
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