The 'Confirmation auto-add documents' feature allows for additional documentation to be automatically added to pre-exisiting handling confirmation PDF document. Depending on the configuration the additional document will either be appended to the exisiting confirmation document or be attached to the confirmation email as a stand-alone document.
Common use cases include the sharing of:
The FBO's terms and conditions.
A site plan or access map.
- Important instruction related to airport rules/limitations
A city or hotel fact sheet
Getting started
Step 1: Upload your document via the 'Template documents' administration page.
- Be sure to define a clear and relevant document name as this will facilitate future efforts to update to this document.
- Note: Supported file type(s) are PDF format.
Step 2: Create your 'Confirmation Auto-add Documents' rule.
Use the menu search box to navigate to the 'Confirmation Auto-add Documents' administration page followed by 'Add new'.
Select the template document and define the criteria in which this document should be added to the handling confirmation PDF followed by 'Save'.
The above example stipulates that the 'Terms and conditions 2024' document should be appended to all confirmations generated by OBBI FBO Location.
What are the various filter options?
- Template document (mandatory field) - Defines which document should be applied/sent.
- FBO Location - Defines which FBO location should have this document applied.
- Handling Station - Defines which handling station should have this document applied.
- Supplier - Defines which supplier should have this document applied.
- Attached as seperate document - Defines if the document should be appended to the handling confirmation or as a seperate document.
- Sort Index - This is only relevant in the event that multiple rules are defined and i used to define the order in which the documents are presented in the document.
Note: In the event the non mandatory fields are left blank the rule will apply across the board.
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