An administration in FBO One is defined for each back office in the FBO network that issues its own invoices. Each Administration in FBO One can have it's own entry export format to an external accounting system.
Name of the Administration.
Administration owner
Identifies the organization that represents the FBO. Purchase orders for fuel are booked in name of this debtor. Also, the country of this contact determines if the Administration is inside the EU for VAT purposes.
Entry creator
Defines the kind of accounting system entry the system will create.
Entry creator config string
Settings as key/value pairs separated by semicolons that can be used by the entry creator.
Payment module mode
- Native: If not set, for each payment plus the amount due an accounts receivable entry line is created.
- Backward compatible: In backward compatibility mode, multiple payments can still be taken in the front office, but in the back office the payments are not taken into account when creating invoices and entry lines.
- Native but use form of payment debtor to charge on invoice: The grand total will be booked to the debtor of the form of payment for the invoice debtor.
Default email layout
The layout to use for email messages for invoices. Also applies to all front-office email messages such as the handling confirmation. This can be set per FBO location.
Initial workflow state for orders in the back office
The workflow state that orders are set to when an invoice is deleted.
First workflow state for generated orders
The Recurring Orders feature generates monthly recurring orders such as for hangar lease. This state defines the status of the newly generated orders. Its typically a back office state from which the order can then be invoiced.
First invoice workflow state
The first workflow state an invoice is created in, also the workflow state that invoices are set to when an entry is deleted.
First entry workflow state
The first workflow state an invoice is created in.
First inactive entry period workflow state
The first inactive workflow state to be used when creating a new entry period.
Awaiting order-workflow state
Workflow state in which the order must be in order to process the response file from the accounting system. Leave blank if the interface does not process responses.
Accepted order-workflow state
Workflow state in which the order is set if the export file is accepted by the accounting system interface. Leave blank if the interface does not process responses.
Rejected order-workflow state
Workflow state in which the order is set if the export file is rejected by the accounting system interface. Leave blank if the interface does not process responses.
First handling order in quote stage workflow state
The first workflow state the handling order is created in, while being in a quote state.
Use secondary order numbers for related orders
Normally secondary order numbers in FBO One follow the pattern FBO-PrimaryNo-SecondaryNo. For example, AMS-1233-2. To prevent FBO One from generating a secondary order number, uncheck this box. Without secondary order numbers, any related orders will just get a new order number.
Rounding Fraction For order line amount
The fraction to round (nearest) the amounts for each order line. E.g. '0.01'.
Show payable amount in words on the receipt
When checked, the payable amount is shown in words (in English) on the handling order and invoice as well as in numbers. For example: 'One hundred seventy one USD and two cents'.
Alternative currency
Alternative currency to show on the invoice, calculation of the price in the alternative currency will be based on exchange rate. See How to Update Exchange Rates.
VAT Claim-back tExt statement TEMPLATE
Text displayed when the charged currency of order/invoice is different from currency set to claiming back the VAT. This is explained in the Email Template Variables page.
VAT Claim-back currency
Specifies the currency that applies when claiming back the VAT. This currency is specific for displaying amounts when claiming back VAT.
Generate single page invoices
If checked the single page invoices will be created if possible. If disabled, there will always be a batch-invoice cover page.
Allow batch invoices with multiple orders
When this setting is checked, multiple orders of the same debtor can be batched to an invoice. This can be overridden per contact.
Allow batch invoices with different registrations
When this setting is checked orders with multiple registrations and the same debtor can be batched into one invoice. If 'Allow batch invoices with multiple orders' is not checked, this setting has no effect. This can be overridden per contact.
Auto attach JSON file to email invoice
When checked the default for all contacts will send a JSON version of an invoice (that can be programmed to be imported into an account system) when sending an invoice by email. This can be overridden per contact.
Allow merging of invoice and supporting docs into 1 PDF
When checked the default for all contacts will merge all supporting documents and invoice into one PDF when sending an invoice by email. This can be overridden per contact.
Invoice number pattern
A regular expression that invoice numbers should match (to be set by Amsterdam software).
Invoice number pattern description
A human readable description of the 'Invoice number pattern' regular expression above.
Must invoice date match active entry period
If checked, the date of the invoice must match within the active entry period. See Entry periods (Back office).
Invoice file name template
Defines the invoice file name convention for the invoices downloaded in a zip fil via in the entry screen or when the invoice is sent via the Invoice Uploader. If empty, the invoice number is used. Example: ~InvoiceNumber~ ~DebtorNumber~.
Email from address for invoicing
The from address displayed in the email sent to the customer when sending an invoice by email. This will most likely be the email address of the accounting department.
Email Bcc address for invoicing
The BCC address can be used to verify that each invoice was sent by sending a blind carbon copy of each invoice sent to your in-house back office (billing) department.
Email Cc address for invoicing
The CC address can be used to verify that each invoice was sent by sending a carbon copy of each invoice sent to your in-house back office (billing) department.
Email subject for invoicing
Email subject template for sending invoices to clients. Use template variables to personalize the text with invoice/client specific information. See Email template variables.
Email body for invoicing
Email message template for sending invoices to clients. Use template variables to personalize the text with invoice/client specific information. See Email template variables.
Default ledger booking currency
The currency in which the amounts must be booked in the accounting system. Leave this empty, if the accounting system supports multiple currencies. If not set, the charged currency of the order is used.
Max rounding difference amount per entry
The amount of rounding differences (due to currency conversions) that is allowed when creating entries. If the amount is blank or zero, no rounding errors are allowed. See How to Update Exchange Rates.
Rounding difference ledger
The ledger on which the rounding difference is booked.
Is trip support provider mandatory
If checked a trip support provider will be mandatory in orders for this administration and any FBO Location using it.
Trip support number pattern
A regular expression that trip support numbers should match (to be set by Amsterdam Software).
Trip support number pattern description
A human readable description of the 'Trip support number pattern' regular expression above.
Assign local contact numbers
Enables assigning contact numbers to contacts that are local to this administration, separately from the primary contact numbers shared across the global FBO network.
Local contact number administration group
The local contact number administration group.
Debtor contact number pattern
A regular expression that contact numbers for debtors should match (to be set by Amsterdam Software).
Debtor contact number pattern description
A human readable description of the 'Debtor contact number pattern' regular expression above.
VAT rule group
Defines the way the VAT should be calculated, leave blank if VAT is not applicable. See VAT rule group.
EC reversed VAT logic enabled date
The date from which FBO One will begin applying the EC reversed VAT logic.
EC reversed VAT code for services
The VAT code for EC reversed VAT services. FBO One will apply this code to a product with 'VAT category for EC reversed purposes' set with 'Service' if EC reversed VAT is applicable. See EC reversed VAT logic.
EC reversed VAT code for goods
The VAT code for EC reversed VAT goods. FBO One will apply this code to a product with 'VAT category for EC reversed purposes' set with 'Goods' if EC reversed VAT is applicable. See EC reversed VAT logic.
VAT code for the 'non-EU business-client' VAT exemption
For EU-administrations, the 0% vat code that must to be applied in case the client is outside of the EU.
VAT code for air-side VAT exemptions
The zero percent VAT code that applies to airside services if the operator meets local criteria, such as holding an AOC.
Back office order receipt title
The title for the receipt / handling order when the order is in a back office workflow state.
Front office order receipt title
The title for the receipt / handling order when the order is in a front office workflow state.
OTC order receipt title
The receipt title used for OTC orders (normally: 'OTC order').
Purchase order receipt title
The receipt title used for purchase orders (normally: 'Purchase order').
Credit order receipt title
The receipt title used for credit handling orders (normally: 'Credit order').
Invoice title
The title used for invoices (normally: 'Invoice').
Credit invoice title
The title used for credit invoices (normally: 'Credit invoice').
Quote receipt title
The title for the receipt / handling order when the order is in a quote workflow state.
Additional left margin on receipt (cm)
Used to increase left margin of receipts to adapt to letter head paper.
Pdf Reports Font-family:
Overrides the default font-family used in PDF reports. Best choices are MS Sans Serif (default) and Arial Unicode MS (for east Asia character-set support).
Invoice report
Invoice report that overrides the default one. This can be set per FBO location.
Accounts receivable name
The accounts receivable name.
Accounts receivable vatno
The accounts receivable Vat no.
Accounts receivable address line 1
The accounts receivable address line 1.
Accounts receivable address line 2
The accounts receivable address line 2.
The accounts receivable zip code.
Accounts receivable city
The accounts receivable city.
Accounts receivable country
The accounts receivable country.
Account Statements Cut-Off Date
The cut off date used to consider invoices (based on invoice date) in the Account Statement (Back office) page.
Fbo location for settings
If this Administration is used by multiple FBO Locations, select one primary FBO to be used for selecting FBO specific settings.
If blank, the system will sort alphabetically the FBO locations by short name and select the first available. Note: In the case of inactive FBO locations, 'Test' may show in outgoing emails for live locations, if the inactive location is sorted alphabetically (by Short Name) to the top when this setting is blank. To prevent choose a primary FBO for this setting.
Administration custom values
Custom value
Add custom values for this Administration.
Administration groups
group name
Name of the Administration group containing multiple administrations.
Choose Administrations for this group.
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