Default Product Price Agreements
The majority of chargeable products will have a default price agreement that is used by all orders and contacts (aircraft registration, aircraft type, debtor and supplier) if no other filters apply.
This agreement will have few or no filters and is therefore sorted to the bottom priority when deciding which agreement to apply.
For the example below:
The GPU product has a default published price agreement of 90.00, as there are no filters, it applies to everyone that has a GPU added.
If however the debtor ‘AmSoft’ with aircraft registration ‘ATEST’ is present in an order, then the GPU agreement for the product overrides the default as more filters match. Therefore, 70.00 is used as a better match.
No Default Price Agreements
If a product has no (applicable) price agreements, a price may need to be set manually in each order.
This may be the case for 3rd party services such as Catering or Transport where charges are variable and based upon supplier charges and therefore cannot be pre-defined.
The price may be entered within the order once the service is complete and the supplier communicates the price.
This shows on the order with an ‘Awaiting Price’ warning against the product, as shown:
Note: Some products may have no price agreements and require no price added when added (defined in the product settings). These are defined as ‘no-charge products’.
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