This Article discusses how to restrict the stations available for out-based handlings using station groups.
Setting the restriction on the FBO location
Navigate to FBO locations and click ‘edit’ on a row to show fields. Scroll to the bottom and find ‘Handling station group’
From the drop-down choose from the available Station groups. Note: If you can’t find what’s needed, you will need to create a new Station group (on the Station groups page) and add members by individual stations, group, or country.
Save. All orders ‘Handling station’ field will now be restricted to show stations that are applicable to the station group. To determine on a per workflow transition basis see below.
Setting the restriction on the Order workflow
Navigate to Order workflows (Administration), and click ‘select’ on the Order workflow you would like to add a restriction to.
Find the ‘Workflow start transition(s)’ table (or an individual transition in the ‘Workflow state transitions’ table)
Find a row that has a ‘Transition action screen' or one of the following only: CreateHandlingOrder, CreateOTCOrder, CreateArrivalOnlyOrder, CreateDepartureOnlyOrder, CreateHomeOperatorOrder
Click ‘Edit’ on a row and add to the workflow ‘Configuration string’
for example, if a station group is named ‘France’ for french stations then addRestrictToHandlingStationGroup=France;
The restriction will now be added to the workflow transition, overriding the FBO location ‘Handling station group’.
- Restriction set on the order workflow, will apply for the transition only. When editing an Order, the restriction will look to the FBO location ‘Handling station group' (if added).
- This function is applicable to FBO locations that have ‘Provides regional coordination’ set to 'true'.
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