Quote Order Types & Creation
- By default there are 4 Quote order types that can be used to create a Quote.
- The available options are shown to the bottom left of the Quote screen.
Note for Admins - Depending on location requirements, quote creation options can be hidden based on the order workflow transition field 'Restricted to FBO location group'
The four quote order types available by default are described below:
1. Create Handling Order Quote
- This screen mimics the 'Create New Handling Order' screen.
- All the same fields are available for creation of the quote using the precise flight details.
2. Create Simple Handling Order Quote
- This screen allows for creation of a Quote using only the Aircraft Registration and Debtor.
- If available, the STA and STD can be added. Internal and External remarks fields are also available for use.
3. Create OTC Quote
- This screen mimics the 'Create New OTC Order' screen.
- Only the Debtor is mandatory for creation of this type of Quote.
4. Create Simple OTC Order Quote
- This is the simplest of the Quote creation screens Again, only the Debtor is mandatory.
- This OTC Quote creation screen is simpler than the previous in that it shows fewer fields.
- If FBO One is used by more than one FBO location, begin by selecting the FBO Locations for which the Quote is being created.
- For this example, the location 'AMS' has been selected.
- Next, select the type of quote order required to create the quote, in this example 'Create Simple Handling Quote' has been selected.
- As is the case with regular front office orders, if the Aircraft Registration, Operator and Debtor are known, these fields will auto-complete.
- If the quote is for a new Registration, Operator, or Debtor, then create any of these using the shortcuts to the left of the screen.
- Once all fields are filled as necessary, click OK to create the quote:
The quote order screen is similar to the front office order screens and looks like this:
- Any auto-add products which have been setup to auto-add to specific quote order types, will be added to the order automatically (Expanded view):
- Any services which are to be quoted in addition to the auto-adds should be added manually:
- In this example Catering has been added to the quote and the mention 'Awaiting Price' appears under the Unit Price column.
- Once a quoted price is received from the supplier, enter this by clicking on the '?' or 'Edit Service' directly:
- Enter the price:
The quote is now complete and ready to be sent.
Sending a Quote
Each Quote order will have the product 'Send Quote to Client' (the name my differ in some cases).
- Use the 'Send' option to send the completed quote to the client:
The following screen will appear before the quote is sent.
- The email body and subject will be compiled automatically as per the quote setup.
- Additional free-hand text can be added to the email body and subject field if necessary by clicking on each field respectively.
- Ensure the recipient email is correct and add any additional recipients email addresses to the 'Additional Email Addresses' field.
- The Quote pdf will be automatically attached to the outgoing email. Any further attachments necessary should be uploaded using the 'Select' button.
- Click OK to send the Quote.
Below is a sample of the outgoing Quote email with the PDF Quote attached
Creating a Quote for an Aircraft Type (Unknown Registration)
When a quote is required for a specific aircraft type, whereby the registration is unknown, generic aircraft types can may be setup as registrations. These generic aircraft type registrations can either be setup on an adhoc basis as and when one is required, or using a script to create all aircraft types as registrations for this purpose.
- To create these individually, go to the 'Add Aircraft Registration' screen. In this 'Registration Code' field of this screen, insert the aircraft type and add a ? to either end.
- For example, a quote is required for an A380F type aircraft for which the registration is unknown. The aircraft registration created will therefore be ?A380F?
- The 'Aircraft Type' field should reflect the actual Aircraft Type, i.e. in this case A380F
- The 'Default Debtor' and 'Default Operator' fields should be set to 'Unknown' so that this registration can be used generically (If this is organization is not yet available, create it via the Create Organization screen before proceeding)
- Once created, the Quote can be created using this Aircraft Registration.
- If the Aircraft Operator or Debtor are known, override the 'Unknown Operator' values shown in the 'Operator' and/or 'Debtor' fields
- Services can be added to the quote as usual (or may be auto-added if setup), and will be priced according to any applicable prices for this aircraft type
- The aircraft type specific quote will be created.
The customer's version of the Quote will be similar to below
Cancelling a Quote
A quote remains active for as long as it hasn't been cancelled or converted to a confirmed front office order. During this time, the quote can be edited and modified as necessary and re-sent if required.
- To cancel a quote, use the 'cancel quote' option within the quote itself.
- The cancelled quote is stored in the Quotes section of FBO One under the 'Quote Status' Cancelled. Accessing the quote from here will allow the quote to be re-activated if necessary
Quote Management and Tracking from the Quotes screen
Once a Quote has been created, it will remain stored under the Quotes section of FBO One for as long as it remains a quote type order.
- A selection of filters are available to the top left of this screen which can be used to filter the Quotes displayed.
- The 'Quote status' drop-down box allows the user to switch between 'Active' and 'Cancelled' quotes.
Converting a Quote to a Confirmed Order
If a Quote is accepted by the client and becomes a handling request, the Quote order can be converted to a front office handling order.
- From withing the Quote, use the 'Convert to Confirmed Order' button to do this:
- Before using this button, be sure to 'Edit' the current order as necessary to add or remove details and/or services.
- Clicking on the 'Convert to Confirmed Order' button will open up the following screen allowing for the Handling to be confirmed and for the confirmation to be emailed to the client.
- The Quote has now been transformed into a Front Office Handling Order and no longer appears under the Quotes section of FBO One
Copying Quotes
In some cases it may be necessary to replicate the same Quote. For example, if an Operator is deciding which Aircraft type to operate into a specific location. When this is the case, the entire Quote should be created (complete with services), and it may then be copied and edited as necessary.
When copying Quotes there are two options:
Copy Handling
- This option copies the handling plus all the related secondary orders/sub-orders. This includes all flight details, order details & any services
Copy Order
- With this option, the system will copy the surrounding 'handling’ details and that specific order.
- If any related/sub-orders are present, these will not be copied.
- The copy includes all flight details, order details & any services from the primary order:
The original Quote looks like this (no related orders are present):
- To the top right of the Quote Order, there are two places in which users may copy the Order.
- Both buttons will (in this case) do the same thing and create a copy of the Primary Order (Quote), as no related / sub-orders are present for this example.
- Once the copy has been made, the system will automatically display the copied order and no longer the original one.
- The copied order will have its own order number and the 'Internal Remarks' will reflect that this order is a copy of another Order:
- The copied order will be an exact replica of the original Order. Users may then edit/update it as usual which will, in turn, update any relevant prices accordingly:
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