This parking calculator was developed for London City Airport. It uses the airport opening times to calculate parking prices.
Optional properties
ChargingInterval (time; default=0.01:00)
The time interval used. The default is 24 hours, but it can be any time period.
useParkingAssignments (bool; default=false)
If this setting is false, any parking assignments will be ignored. This is the original behaviour of this calculator. By setting this option, parking assignments, and therefore parking price categories of the product will be taken into account.
minimumQuantity (string, default not set)
Apply a minimum parking fee even if the minutes of parking is less than the free parking minutes.
addOneIntervalForClosedPeriod (bool; default=true)
Default the calculator will add one interval for each closed period. This can be disabled by setting this to false.
MultiplyByTons (bool; default=false)
Whether to multiply the found number of time intervals by the MTOW in tons of the aircraft.
MinimumTons (int, default=0)
Sets the minimum number of tons to charge. If the MTOW of the aircraft in tons is less than this number, this number will be used instead.
takeMTOWInKgFromCustomProperty (string; default not set)
Allows to configure the name of a custom property to be used instead of the actual MTOW. This can be needed if the MTOW for this calculation should not be the standard one, but a different one, for example, to calculate airport fees for a specific airport that uses different MTOW values. Only valid if 'multiPlyByMtow' is true.
ForceToBlankIfCustomPropertyIsNotSet (bool, default true)
If true, and a custom property is used for the MTOW (see takeMTOWInKgFromCustomProperty) an error will be shown if the custom property is missing. If set to false, the standard MTOW will be used silently.
RoundingMethod (string; default NearestInteger)
Indicates the type of the rounding to be applied. For example Ceiling. If not specified, the default rounding method is NearestInteger.
example: RoundingMethod=Ceiling
timeBandFrom (time; default=0.00:00)
This option can be used to only count the number of hours in a timeband. For example, if the price per hour during the first day is higher than on the next days. To start the time band from the 6h hour, use the syntax "0.06:00"
timeBandBelow (time; default=365.00:00)
This option can be used to only count the number of hours in a timeband. For example, if the price per hour during the first day is higher than on the next days. To end the time at 1 day, use the syntax "1.00:00"
OverrideFreeMinutesAfterArrival (minutes, default=NILL)
This option overrides the default free minutes specified in the airport opening time list.
ApplyFreeMinsOnlyWhenAirportIsOpen(boolean, default=false)
This option if set to "true" applies the free minutes assigned in "OverrideFreeMinutesAfterArrival " config string during the airport opening hours - If left as default "false" the free minutes are added directly to the arrival time of the aircraft.
Refer to the Parking Calculator Shared Settings for more settings that can be used with this calculator.
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