The Kansai Airport Parking Calculator calculates the parking unit price based on
- Duration between arrival and departure in minutes and then breaks down the total duration in to the required unit e.g per 15 Minutes.
- The parking price category (parking stands) and any unassigned parking duration (this can be managed by using the "IncludeUnassignedTime" setting).
- Parking duration during airport closure hours are excluded from the total duration e.g closure between 23:00 and 06:00.
The following parking calculator settings are supported:
- ChargingInterval=hh:mm (default is 15 minutes)
- FreeParkingMinutes=number (default is 360 minutes)
- RoundingMethod=name (default Ceiling)
- AirportOpenTime=hh:mm (by default it uses the airport opening list)
- AirportCloseTime=hh:mm (by default it uses the airport opening list)
- NightStartTime=hh:mm (default "22:00")
- NightEndTime=hh:mm (default "06:00")
- IncludeUnassignedTime=boolean (default true)
- The calculator has support for a period of maximum 2 years between arrival and departure dates.
- For performance reasons, if the airport opening list has the same daily schedule (e.g open daily from 06:00 to 23:00), we recommend using the AirportOpenTime=06:00 and AirportCloseTime=23:00 settings instead of using the default Administration / Airport Opening List records.
See the test case examples attached to this article.
Product & Calculator Settings
- Product Required: e.g. Parking Fees CR
- Kansai Airport Parking Calculator - Settings: IncludeUnassignedTime=false;FreeParkingMinutes=360;AirportOpenTime="06:00";AirportCloseTime="22:00";NightStartTime="22:00";NightEndTime="06:00"
- The airport opening list
- Parking areas and positions
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