The parameters below are available for all parking calculators in the 'Special price calculation' product settings.
Shared Settings:
IncludeUnassignedTime (bool; default=false)
Whether or not to include the unassigned time (time where the aircraft was on the ground, but no parking position was recorded). This should be set to true for simple parking calculations, where location is not important for price. It should be false if taxi-time should not be charged, or if there is another product that charges the unassigned time.
divideTotalDurationBy (int, default=1)
Used to divide the total calculated time by a specific number.
FreeMinutesAfterArrival (int; default=0)
Number of minutes after arrival that won't be charged.
MinimumTons (int, default=0)
Sets the minimum number of tons to charge. If the MTOW of the aircraft in tons is less than this number, this number will be used instead.
MaximumDuration(int, default=999999999)
Set the maximum duration in the units of the actual parking calculator.
takeMTOWInKgFromCustomProperty (string; default not set)
Allows to configure the name of a custom property to be used instead of the actual MTOW. This can be needed if the MTOW for this calclulaton should not be the standard one, but a different one, for example to calculate airport fees for a specific airport that uses different MTOW values. Only valid if 'MultiplyByTons' is true.
ForceToBlankIfCustomPropertyIsNotSet (bool, default true)
If true, and a custom property is used for the MTOW (see takeMTOWInKgFromCustomProperty) an error will be shown if the custom property is missing. If set to false, the standard MTOW will be used silently.
timeBandFrom (time; default=0.00:00)
This option can be used to only count the number of hours in a timeband. For example if the price per hour during the first day is higher than on the next days. To start the time band from the 6h hour, use the syntax "0.06:00"
timeBandBelow (time; default=365.00:00)
This option can be used to only count the number of hours in a timeband. For example if the price per hour during the first day is higher than on the next days. .To end the time at 1 day, use the syntax "1.00:00"
AdditionalPriceCategory (string; default not set)
Add an additional price category to the one defined in the product data.
AppliesOnlyIfStayingSameDay (default false) and AppliesOnlyIfStayingOvernight (default false)
If either of these two options is set to true, the quantity generated by the calculator will be forced to 0 in case of either a same-day or an overnight stay. This is needed by the parking charges defined by the Swiss airports, they have a different rate for parking the spans only a single day than for parking where there is an overnight stay.
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