Having the correct timezone settings in FBO One is important for ensuring that the displayed time is relevant to the user and that documents, such as invoices, have the correct date and timestamp. It is also important to note that the timezone settings can affect the pricing of products and services. For instance, certain services, like overnight parking, may have peak fees that vary depending on the time zone. Therefore, it is essential to accurately configure the timezone settings in FBO One to avoid any discrepancies or inaccuracies in time-related information and pricing.
User Timezone Setting:
The user-defined timezone setting allows individuals or groups to choose their preferred time format, either Local (LT) or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). Within the user account settings, there is a field called "Display times in UTC". Enabling this option will display all timings within the user's session in UTC - Coordinated Universal Time. If disabled, all times will be displayed in the local time (LT).
Please Note: If this field is configured differently for two users at the same location, they may see differing times.
Station Timezone:
As implied by its name, the station timezone establishes the relative local time for each station. An FBO Location will adopt the timezone settings of its assigned station.
The station timezone will be utilized for all time-based calculations and scheduling associated with an Order.
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