If you do not have the required permissions to carry out any of the steps described below, please contact your FBO One systems administrator for access or assistance.
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Assign a Product to an FBO Location
When you create a product, by default it will be created for your active FBO Location. If you want the same product to be available at several locations you can make that assignment quite easily.
From the 'Products' menu, click on "select" next to the product you want to assign.
Below the product list in the "Local FBO Data" section, you will see the FBO assignments for that product.
Select "Add New" to add another FBO location.
Type and/or select the new FBO Location assignment from the available list.
Select "save"
The new FBO location will be added to the "Local FBO Data" list, but the IsActive setting will be set to "No".
This is to ensure product settings specific to the new FBO location (e.g Workflow, VAT) are checked and set correctly.
Select "edit" next to the new FBO location to review and set the correct FBO location product settings.
The "IsActive" setting can also be checked.
Save the settings.
The product will now be active for the new location.
Make sure to add any price agreements for the product that are specific to the new FBO location.
Remove a Product from an FBO Location
To remove a product FBO assignment, simply perform step 7 above and un-check the "IsActive" setting.
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