This screen allows editing (or adding) products and services. It can be accessed from the main menu shown below or via the 'Products' menu by selecting 'Add new' at the bottom of the Products table.
Note: The product screen for creating a new product is slightly different from the edit screen due to location specific data.
The below information is divided per section and each field is explained in detail.
Note: Only the italic fields are mandatory and must be filled in. All other fields are optional.
Screen Sections:
Product code: The name of the product displayed in the order screen.
Description (on invoice): The name of the product displayed on the invoice / handling order to the client.
Unit code: The unit code of the product. Examples: Each, Day, Hour, Occurrence, Unit.
Show unit and quantity on invoice: Check to display the unit code together with the total quantity on the invoice. If unticked, only the total amount will be displayed.
Is active: Untick to deactivate the product for the current location.
Add service options
Can be manually added: Allows for manually adding the service to an order via the 'Add service' search box in the order screen.
Available in 'Add services' screen: Displays the product in the 'Add services' screen, available via the Services -> Add services menu in the order screen.
Can be added more than once: Allows the product to be added multiple times to an order.
Arrival/departure indicator
This section is needed by the NetJets link and must be filled out correctly in order for the NetJets link to function properly.
Default arrival/departure indicator: Choose if the product is related to the arrival or the departure leg.
Note: This setting always applies to non-group header products. For group-header products the 'Is arrival/departure indicator applicable for group-header product' determines if this indicator is used.
Show arrival/departure indicator: Choose to display the A or D (or icon) in the order screen based upon the 'Default arrival/departure indicator' selected.
Can arrival/departure indicator be changed: Choose to allow changing the arrival/departure indicator via 'Edit service' for the product when added to an order.
Is arrival/departure indicator applicable for group-header product: Tick for group-header products you want the NetJets robot to be able to move between orders.
Hide 'invoice to follow': Hides the text 'invoice to follow' on the handling order whenever the price of the service is missing; useful for products with no charge.
Is price mandatory: Blocks the front office from closing the handling if no price has been entered for the product. The text 'awaiting price' will be displayed in red on the order if the price is not yet entered.
Decimals in unit price: Defines the amount of decimals used in the unit price for fractional prices.
Decimals in quantity: Defines the amount of decimals used in the quantity. If left blank, the default is 2 decimals.
Calculation Priority: Leave to 0, unless using the Order surcharge calculator.
Is group: Tick if the product is a group product, and is the sum of its child products. Example: Airport Fees, Third Party Services.
Note: Group products should not have any price agreements
Group product collapse type: For group products, indicates if the child products should be expanded or hidden into the group product.
Expanded: Child products and pricing are shown on invoices and reports.
Collapsed on Customer Invoice and Reports: The group total price shows, all child products and pricing lines are hidden on the customer invoice and reports.
Collapsed on Customer Invoice Only: The group total price shows, all child products and pricing lines are hidden on the customer invoice only.
Show group sub-total: Shows the sub-total amount of the group on the handling order or invoice. The sub-total is visible only when the group is expanded. To show the price per unit instead of a sub-total, check 'Show unit and quantity on invoice'.
Is group with quantity and suppliers: Allows entering the quantity for the entire group, with child products using 'Take quantity from group | Quantity from group' setting to inherit the quantity. Mainly used for fuel products.
Take quantity from group:
None (quantity from self): Default setting, the product has it's own quantity.
Quantity from group: Product takes the quantity of it's parent group product.
Absolute quantity from group: Product takes the absolute quantity of it's parent group product.
Progress time from group: Product takes the time quantity of it's parent group product.
Take supplier and stock keeping unit from group: Set this to true to copy the supplier, delivery date, start and end time of parent group. If a SKU is defined for the product, it will also indicate it is part of the stock value and the revenue is calculated at the stock revaluation.
Workflow start transitions
Used to attach a service workflow to the product, Example: Timed tasks, Third party supply orders. One or more start transitions can be chosen (saving the product and re-editing the product may be required to show extra rows).
Show in order screen if price is 0: Shows the product in the order screen when the total amount is 0.
Show on receipt and invoice if price is 0: Shows the product on the invoice / handling order when the total amount is 0.
Show on the customer handling confirmation and the in-house handling request report: Shows the product on the handling request / confirmation reports to the client.
Show on confirmation in Comms One: Shows the product on the Comms One confirmation.
Show in ramp order screen: Shows the product in the Classic ramp screen.
Show in ramp/line services add services short list: Shows the product in the add service quick list on mobile devices.
Show service delivery date on receipt: Shows the product service date on the invoice / handling order.
Hide from planboard until: Enter the amount of minutes you want to hide the service from the OPS planboard before the departure of the aircraft. Note: entering a minus figure will allow the product to be hidden past the departure time.
OPS Category: Allows choosing an Icon for the product in the Handlings/Movements screens.
Sort index: The sort index is needed for sorting of the products on the invoice / handling order. The higher the number, the lower it will be on the invoice / handling order.
Third party services
This section has to be filled in if the product/service is a third party product.
Is supplier order number mandatory: When checked, the front office must enter the supply order number from the supplier.
Caption for supplier's order number: Can be used to specify a specific caption for the supplier's order number. If blank Supplier's order number is displayed.
Show supplier pick-list: Allows for selection of multiple suppliers, for instance for Hotel or Taxi services.
Send supply order by email: Check if the supply order has to be sent by email. Leave unchecked for services that are not ordered via email.
Is Supply Order Email in HTML Format: Indicates if the supply order emails for this product are in plain text or in HTML format.
Show supplier name on receipt/invoice: Displays the supplier's name on the invoice / handling order.
Use delivery date or service date as price reference date: When checked, the price is determined based on the delivery date instead of the order's price reference date.
Has price reference date for child services: Child services can inherit the price reference date from this product.
Is delivery date applicable: Check to display the delivery date fields.
Show bulletin board messages in transitions: Check to display bulletin board attachments in service transitions see ****** manual page for more information
Is supplier’s invoice required: Check if the invoice of the supplier is required. When checked it must be entered before the order can be booked.
Warn if pending on cancelling order: Display a warning message when order is being cancelled and service is in pending state
Is Cost, Allow enter sales price in Parent Product: At the parent service, when entering a sales price including the disbursement, FBO One can automatically split between the cost and the markup amount.
VAT code: Set the correct VAT code for the product.
Use VAT code from parent product: Check if the product is a child product and should have the same VAT code of the parent product.
Can override VAT code: Check to allow manually overriding the VAT code selected above when adding this product to an order.
Is airside product: Indicates if the product is directly related to the aircraft handling. If set, AOC-based VAT-exemption is applicable.
Is EC reversed VAT applicable: Indicates that the reversed VAT code is applied in case the debtor belongs to a different EC country than the FBO. Services are usually charged with REV and goods with REV(0%).
Ledger: Set the ledger the product has to be booked in.
Cost center: Set the cost center the product has to be booked in.
Special price calculation
Price calculator: Attach a price calculator to the product. Information about all price calculators can be found here.
Price calculator settings: Set the specific price calculator settings here.
Custom Property for unit price formula: If the custom property is specified, then one value from this custom property must be linked to any of the following: order, registration, a/c type, debtor or form of payment. The value must be a number and it can be used in the unit price formula calculation
Unit price calculation formula: An expression formula to be used for calculating the unit price. The formula can use as input the unit price specified in price agreements (input.UnitPrice), the mtow (input.mtowInKg or input.mtowInPounds) or a custom property | custom value (input.CustomValue).
Parking position price category: Define the parking position price category to be used for the calculation.
Contains mutually exclusive fuel-price schemes: Use this if only one of the child product trees may have a price on the invoice. For example, for fuel either a 'cost-plus' based price scheme applies or an into-plane price scheme.
Identifies the applicable fuel price scheme: Use this to mark the child products that represent the cost-plus, contract differential or fixed price. The product that has the most specific price agreement, defines the price scheme that is activated.
Use delivery date as currency conversion date: Uses the delivery date for currency conversion, otherwise the time of payment is used instead.
Payment gateway product mapping definition
Air Card Group: Used for mapping products for Aircard payments. See Product Code Mapping for Online Credit Card Payments for more information.
AHT Product Group: Used for mapping products for AHT Online Payment. See Product Code Mapping for Online Credit Card Payments for more information.
Custom values
Any custom values that can be defined on the product will show in this section.
Specific description for this FBO location: Set a specific product description for the FBO location, this will show on the Handling confirmation / Invoice.
Remarks: Add any remarks to the product, visible on the product details page.
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