For third-party products, the text for the supply order can be preconfigured in the supply order template. This can save a lot of typing in the actual supply order. Template variables can be used that will be replaced by data from the current order or service upon sending it.
Of course, configuring a good supply order template is most important if your system was configured to use the blank supply order, as the normal supply order will have most data on it automatically. Usually, the blank supply order is preferred because it can be configured to be more to the point, and doesn't release potentially confidential information to suppliers.
Configure a supply order template:
Note: If you are not familiar with products, please refer to the article on Managing Products for FBO Locations.
Summary of the supply order components:
- A template for the message details that are sent to the supplier can be defined within the supply order template.
- The default email body for all text-only supply orders is defined by the 'Email message setting' 'SupplyOrderTextOnlyEmailBody'.
- The 'Supply Order Template' text is then inserted into the email body using the email template variable ~supplyorderdetails~
From the product details screen, the supply order template can be edited via the 'edit supply order' link:
Then, in the edit supply order template screen, you can enter the supply order template.
Note: A list of available email template variables can be found here.
This change will not have any effect on services that have already been created on orders, it only works if the product is added to an order as a service after the change.
TIP: To get an overview of all supply order templates currently configured in your system, the 'products' report can be used. Just remove all columns except the product code and the supply order template of course.
Example header to get most of the normal supply order information on the blank supply order
Location: ~HandlingLocation~ Aircraft: ~RegistrationDisplayCode~ (~AircraftTypeShortName~, ~MtowTon~ ton) Arriving: ~MostActualArrivalTimeLT~ from: ~OriginStationNameCountry~ (~InboundPaxCount~ pax) Departing: ~MostActualDepartureTimeLTOrPendingText~ to: ~DestinationStationNameCountry~ (~OutboundPaxCount~ pax) Debtor: ~DebtorDisplayName~ Operator: ~OperatorDisplayName~ Our reference: ~OrderKey~ Delivery date/time: ~DeliveryDateTimeLT~
If your supplier prefers UTC, all dates and times can be shown in UTC as well by replacing 'LT' by 'UTC' in the example above.
Example supply order template for a Catering supply order
CATERING ORDER - ~SupplierContactName~ TAIL N°: ~RegistrationCode~ DELIVERY: ~DeliveryDateTime~ ~HandlingLocation~ PLEASE USE REF N° ~OrderKey~ ON ALL INVOICES ORDER...
Note the deliveryDateTime will have to be entered for every supply order in this example, as otherwise no time will be shown. You may want to show departure time to your caterer, so they can deliver before departure without you having to enter a delivery time for the service.
Example supply order template for a Hotel
It would be possible to show the arrival date as check-in date, but with midnight arrivals it is generally better to enter the date manually. For crew hotels, the number of rooms could be the crew count automatically, as shown in the example below.
Example supply order template for a Crew hotel (more extended version)
Rooms reservation request Attn: Reservations Dept / ~SupplierContactName~ From: FBO Amsterdam Software Demo Order.No. ~OrderKey~ Please make reservation for ~InboundCrewCount~ single rooms (Standard class, River view) from ~MostActualArrivalDateOnlyLT~ till ~MostActualDepartureDateOnlyLT~ in your hotel for air crew members listed below: Aircompany: ~OperatorName~ Crew list: ~InboundCrewNames~ Please apply special airline employee rate (999.00 EUR) for requested rooms according to our agreement. Payment: ***** PLEASE REMOVE INAPPLICABLE OPTIONS \****\* - By guests (cash or credit card). - Please send your invoice to us in accordance with our agreement. We guarantee our payment. Please kindly confirm reservation (with reservation.Nr.) to our fax or E-mail.
Example 'signature' for a supply order template
Kind regards, ~UserEmployeeDisplayName~ ~Reports-Address1~ Operations ~Reports-Zipcode~ ~Reports-City~ ~Reports-Email~ Tel: ~Reports-Phone~ Fax: ~Reports-Fax~
If you have multiple locations and share the service-definition between multiple locations it is important to use the Reports-variables and not hardcode the address details in the template. For example, the Reports-Address1 variable will show the address line for the FBO for which the message is being sent.
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