FBO One has a direct integration with the UAE Carrier portal which facilitates the check-in process for passengers and crew. The manual process of exporting the details from FBO One and uploading them to the portal is now only required as a back up solution, in the case of portal outages.
Old Process
The old process consists in entering the flight data and crew/pax details in FBO One and then downloading an Excel order report. The report is being uploaded in the UAE Carrier Portal and a success/fail error message is returned to the user. In event of schedule or crew/pax changes the previously submitted data needs to be cancelled by the user and the new data re-uploaded.
In the event that an aircraft registration is unknown the user must first create the registration prior to uploading any flight/pax data.
The New Process
In the new process the flight data, crew and pax details are automatically shared by FBO One with the UAE Carrier Portal.
New Flight
FBO One will push this data immediately upon order creation, however, the data will only be visible in the UAE Carrier portal if the flight operates within the next 30 days and that the flight sectors have crew or pax names set.
In the event of schedule changes and/or changes to crew/pax details the changes will be automatically shared with the UAE Carrier Portal.
In the event of a flight cancellation or removal of a crew/pax name, the submitted data is automatically canceled in the UAE Carrier Portal.
Unknown Registration
In the event that the UAE Carrier portal does not know the aircraft registration, FBO One will, on behalf of the user, create the registration in the UAE Carrier Portal (based on the FBO One database).
Customer Direct
In some cases, the transfer of data to the UAE Carrier Portal is not required. Such scenarios may include customers requesting their own slots, a UAE government institution, diplomatic flights, etc. In this case, there is the option to opt out of the data transfer on a per order, per registration, per trip support provider, or per debtor basis.
Upload Results
In the event of failure to upload FBO One will display the relevant error, as returned from the UAE Carrier Portal.
The successful upload will result in the crew/pax status update e.g ‘OK To Board', 'Board if docs ok’
The Crew/Pax records indicate the Boarding Status
Visual Aides
There are extra options to assist users identify upload results or negative boarding responses:
Must review filters allow users to see the most recent updates (see Visible changes Modern UI section below).
PAX API Status daily report allows users to quickly review the crew/pax board status for flights operating within the next 7 days.
The old process is the backup should the API integration be offline
Note: In order for this integration to work, the FBO needs to obtain access credentials for the UAE Carrier portal (Carrier, username, password) and from the FBO One team needs to obtain access to the Crew Pax public API (username / password)
Visible changes Modern UI
As the exchange of data is done automatically it may be hard for users to keep track of the responses. FBO One can be configured to show notifications and alerts to indicate when responses are received from the API Carrier Portal, outlining if the data was shared successfully or if there are errors.
Must review alert (Plan board screens)
The counter indicates the number of orders for review and will decrease as the orders are reviewed. The icon will disappear when all orders having updates are marked as reviewed
Clicking on this ‘Must review’ will automatically filter the plan boards to only show orders that require review
To close the filter the user can reset the filters by clicking on the X
Once the orders are 'Mark as reviewed' - the Must review notification will automatically disappear and reappear when a new order requires review.
Review 3rd-party updates (Order screens)
This on-screen prompt can be opened to show the various responses from the UAE Carrier portal
Once this notification has been reviewed the icon will change to indicate the ‘Already reviewed’ status.
Visible changes to the order screen
The create/edit order screens contain additional custom values which are used by the integration process.
Crew Pax API Error - This will contain any error messages generated by the UAE Carrier portal.
Direct UAE Carrier Checkin - This can be used to label orders, registrations, trip support providers, or debtors as ‘Self requesting’ effectively disabling the FBO One requests.
Disable UAE Carrier API - This allows users to switch off the integration on a per-order basis.
Crew Pax records check-in status column
Each Crew/Pax entity will have a status column, that is populated by the UAE Carrier Portal, to indicate if the person is authorised to travel.
Crew Pax API error
this is a custom value visible in the order screen and it will show an error message if the integration encounters any errors. For example, the flight schedule might be incorrect or some other details cannot be processed.
Depending on each case, the issue can be solved by contacting the UAE Carrier Portal support or FBO One support to investigate further.
Modern UI
Classic UI
Disable the must review notifications
the must review can be switched off by setting the Needs review type to Optionally in the Crew/Pax API integration Edit contact page
Disable the integration
Disable the integration at the application level - FBO One - delete UAE Carrier API record.
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