FBO One can automatically import handling requests (and updates!) from NetJets. The Netjets link performs repetitive tasks like updating all the flight details, requested services, and crew/pax details.
- How to activate the NetJets link
- Application settings
- Possible issues
- How to check the automated process / find errors
How to activate the NetJets link:
To activate the NetJets link the following tasks need to be executed:
Debtor key configuration
To match the Netjets handling requests with the correct organization in FBO One, the handling request debtor key of the Netjets contact should be configured as ‘Netjets EU’.
Correlation group code configuration
The FBO One Robot reads messages from the FBO One Queue. To ensure that only fbo location-related messages are processed, each fbo location must use a unique correlation group code: ICAO code-Fbo name = EGLC-JET CENTRE
- The correlation group code needs to be configured in the Administration - Fbo locations - Settings screen.
- Setting: HandlingRequestCorrelationGroupCode
The correlation group code must match the text in the top left of the NetJets faxes exactly:
In the XML file the ICAO code and the name of the FBO are separated:
If the strings don't match, they won't be imported and the Netjets link won't work.
Configure crew types
All crew types used by NetJets should be defined. If a crew type Netjets is using doesn't exist in FBO One, there will be problems importing requests using that crew type.
Check if the SERVICE REQUEST product exists
The Netjets robot uses the internal remarks field of this product to display the service requests from Netjets, for example, catering or newspapers. The product can only be called SERVICE REQUEST and cannot for example have an FBO location identifier, such as SERVICE REQUEST AMS.
Enter operator handling order numbers for pre-existing open orders
The Netjets link matches existing orders in FBO One based on the Netjets request number. If the flight is an arrival, the request number must match the first part of the operator's handling order number. For departures, the second part must match. The convention to use the debtor order number is “arrival nr/departure nr”, like “12354/12385”.
To ensure that the open orders from Netjets will be updated by the Netjets link, the operator's handling order number needs to be filled in correctly to match the request number from Netjets. If no match is found, a new order will be created.
Orders created by the Netjets link automatically contain the request number in the operator's handling order number.
Enable the Handling request importer robot
To process the messages from the FBO One Queue, the HandlingRequestImporter Robot needs to be enabled. This can be configured in the Administration - Robots screen.
Send Netjets emails
Let Netjets send a copy of the handling request emails to Amsterdam Software. Each customer has a dedicated email address to receive the handling request emails.
Relate all ramp services to the arrival by default
If a service is marked as departure-related, the service will be removed from the order when the departure leg is canceled. Typically this is undesirable for ramp services like GPU. Even when the departure leg is canceled, any ramp services provided still need to be charged. Therefore it is best practice to configure all ramp services as being related to the arrival by default. You can do this using the edit product command, in the arrival/departure settings section.
Application settings:
HandlingImporterDeleteCancelBehavior (default CancelHandling): this setting controls how the handling importer should act when the ground handling request is re-assigned to a new registration, or it is partially canceled. In this case, a new handling order is being created to accommodate the request, and the original order can be canceled without further review by OPS, to be canceled by OPS (and reviewed), and automatically deleted. Setting values are:
- CancelHandling - handling is put a backoffice end state: Cancelled by Handling Importer
- SetToBeCancelled - handling is moved to the Font Office state 'To be canceled' which allows OPS to review and make a manual correction to the leftover handling
- DeleteCascade - handling is deleted from FBO One
Important Note: 'Cancelled by handling importer' and 'Set to be canceled' are special workflow states that must be configured when setting up the Handling Importer link and must be specified in the Handling order workflow that the importer uses.
Handling orders 'Cancelled by handling importer' can be found via the Back office page
HandlingRequestImporterTakeAircraftContacts (default true): the link uses this setting to ensure the operator/debtor configured in FBO One as a default contact for the requested registration is being used. This check is not performed if the registration is a new registration. In case the registration is new, the link will use Netjets as an operator/debtor. If the registration exists in FBO One, the link will ignore Netjets and take as operator/debtor for the new handling order the default contacts of the registration. We do this because the XML file we receive from NetJets does not contain information about billing.
HandlingRequestImportUpdateExistingLegIfInTimespan (default 8h: 0.08:00:00) . When importing a request and finding an existing handling order on the planboard which is manually created by the user for the same registration, always check first if the leg is within 8 hours timespan. This is to prevent the link will update an existing leg which is for different handling on the same registration as the new request. If the leg is not within the 8 hours time window, the link will create a new handling order.
Possible issues:
Arrival or departure?
When adding the services it is important to indicate if they are arrival or departure related. When an order is split due to a registration change or cancellation, the services are also moved with the arrival or departure leg. To prevent the services are split into the wrong order, please ensure that the arrival/departure indicator of the service is correct.
Crew services should always be arrival related. This prevents services from being split when the departure changes due to a cancelation or registration change. Pax services should always move with the request number. Pax services for the inbound request number should be added as arrival related. Pax services for the outbound request number should be added as departure related.
Correct duplicate orders
When the operator's handling order numbers (or debtors order number in previous versions) are not configured as described in the previous paragraph, the imported handling requests cannot be matched with the orders already present in FBO One. This results in duplicate orders, one that is manually entered by operations and one that is imported by the Netjets link.
To fix this you need to execute the following steps:
- enter the operator's handling order number into the manually created order (this ensures that this order is updated with the next import)
- clear the operator's handling order number in the order created by the Netjets link (this will prevent the order being updated with the next import)
- move any imported services that are not yet present in the manually create order
- cancel the order created by the Netjets link
Services are removed from the order
When an outbound leg is canceled by Netjets, it is split from the order and placed in the ‘to be canceled’ state. OPS must always carefully review these to-be-canceled orders. Don’t “just” mark them as ‘canceled free of charge’ but review any services in the to-be-canceled order and use the ‘move services’ command to move them to the inbound leg when applicable. Only then, cancel the order. Discuss within your team that this is important.
Each service has an Arrival (A) or Departure (D) indicator. When creating ramp services, especially for NetJets flights, make sure that the services are created with the proper A or D indicator. Some services are marked as D by default. This is configurable per product, see the paragraph below. If a service is marked as Departure, ops must take care to edit this setting after the service is created, to make it an arrival service. This can be done using the ‘Edit Service’ command. This will prevent the service from moving to the to-be-canceled departure leg when the departure is canceled.
Leftover orders
Sometimes, a cancellation of Netjets orders is missed or for some other reason, a Netjets order stays in the planboard while it should actually have been canceled already. Usually, there is a departure-only order in the next few days, without an arrival. Or a planned arrival that never shows.
The way to check this is to use the Netjets request number of the Order, and find out whether this number should still be active or not, using input from Netjets. If it should be active, you can correct the order details, if not it can be canceled (don't forget to check all services in such a case)
Import errors
FBO One uses the bulletin board to notify about errors that occur during an import.
When the NetJets link fails to import one or more legs, for each request a bulletin board message is created. The message contains information about the leg that could not be imported and a detailed description of the error. With a link to the handling request document, the operations can manually enter the leg information in FBO One.
If the order was found, the message is created on the order bulletin board. Else the message is created on the front office bulletin board.
To solve an error like that, enter the NetJets request number in the open order search box to find the related order in FBO One. If no order has been found, search for open orders with the same registration. Possibly you can update an existing order.
Orders that are not imported by the Netjets link can be added manually. By entering the request number in the operator's handling order number, updates should be automatically imported the next time.
How to check the automated process / find errors:
Troubleshooting Checklist:
- Does the request email contain the xml attachment?
- Is the email Cc'd to the FBO One robot? e.g. [name]@robot.fboone.aero
- Are there any errors displayed in the bulletin board message or audit log?
- Do you find the PDF in the Administration> Handling Requests page?
- Tip: Filter the list by location search. e.g CPH
- Note the date/time of the last request and view the PDF file for errors.
- Check the Handling Reporter Robot is running 'OK' (ADMIN)
- Does the FBO Location setting 'HandlingRequestCorrelationGroupCode' match that of the XML file?
XML extract example:
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